Yeah, photobucket definitely resized the Ho-Oh sheet.
I'll fix that asap, wo't be updating too much in the near future though, I've got a lot on.
Try to get something donw this weekend

I'm off to visit Cambridge tomorrow, then helping with the school talent show all week, and next week I'm in London watching some shows, so don;y expect too much, but here's a little to keep you going, I also updated Ho-Oh.
Articuno [
Stantler [
Smeargle [
Ho-Oh [
Rhypherior [
Ok i will play that game because the number 2 of that sagas looks good and i play it, but i never over that, Cool sprites...
Could I request Moltres and Zapdos, please? *-*
Haha it turns out there are a lot more sheets to do than I thought- take a look at my to-do list. I'll get all the file numbers from Hoenn and Sinnoh, then I can get started ripping my final Pokemon list
EDIT: 59 Pokemon Sheets to go! See the full list on main post!
Sorry for the delay guys; my computer:s totally dying, it won't even turn on properly :s i should within a few days be able to get on or have a new one

I'm almost half way through the list guys, they should all be up in the next few days.
Hi im new here.

so hi!
um those guys doing the rips you um deleted the hero??? why i need it!

Whoa, 2 month old topic! Check the date next time!
(09-24-2010, 11:06 PM)A.J. Nitro Wrote: [ -> ]Whoa, 2 month old topic! Check the date next time!
Sorry didn't notice how will in notify them tontell them it's not there???
Wow, Arceus, my fav

Can't wait to see the rest. o-o
I still want to be able to get the game maps. Does anyone know how to rip a .acz file? oO