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every zelda game is really boring, later
ok then go post elsewhere
(03-13-2010, 09:25 PM)MrSkeleton Wrote: [ -> ]someone needs to give zelda some kind of intricate ass sword fighting system.
parry parry thrust jab
goddamn i want link to fight like inigo montoya
Isn't the new Zelda game coming out for the Wii supposed to have Wii Motion Plus controls? The sword fighting might end up being more complex than the older games.
(03-13-2010, 11:31 PM)Woppet Wrote: [ -> ]ok then go post elsewhere
not going to do it, sorry
don't let me bother you, just keep talking about your terrible series
TF2 sucks.
Brain, you're like the only guy i can't resist getting trolled by.
The best 3D Zelda is Wind Waker.
(03-14-2010, 12:14 AM)Woppet Wrote: [ -> ]Bryan, you're like the only guy i can't resist getting trolled by.
this, and I have no idea why
(03-13-2010, 11:22 PM)Woppet Wrote: [ -> ] (03-13-2010, 07:51 PM)Arthur Wrote: [ -> ]What if you ignore the fact that it had less dungeons, and you pretend the annoying aspects of the time thing weren't a problem?
if you ever call the time aspect annoying again we can no longer be friends and i will sink the boat that you live in. The time aspect was pure genius.
I wasn't calling the time thing annoying - I was saying that many people find aspects of it annoying. But most importantly I don't live on a boat any more so ha.

Twilight Princess had some of the greatest bosses in the series
case in point: fucking STALLORD
Twilight Princess's bosses were epic, but generally disappointingly easy
MM had the best bosses. + they were re-fightable.
Gyorg pissed me off, fukken fish
(03-13-2010, 11:30 PM)bryan GT broyan Wrote: [ -> ]every zelda game is really boring, later
i was tempted to hit the report button just incase there was a rule against being so wrong
Cragma was also a hell of a fun fight in Spirit Tracks
first time in the game I nearly got killed (until I discovered the safe spot, that is !!)
and Bongo Bongo was an awesome boss in Ocarina.
Twilight Princess sucked... And so does the Link in that one. (Brawl reference)
OoT is where is at. It started it all for the nabs who didn't know what Zelda was.
+You get epic fishing!! You can't top it.
MM = Childhood nightmares of the Moon hitting earth.
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