Fucking Crobat with its Double Team...
(03-23-2010, 11:10 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Fucking Crobat with its Double Team...
Now you know how I felt when battling Koga in Pokemon Silver.
Beat Johto on the second day, been breeding/trading since then. I'm not in that much of a hurry to beat Kanto.
(03-23-2010, 11:10 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Fucking Crobat with its Double Team...
What's that?
I can't hear you over my Kadabra's Miracle Eye + Psybeam.
I'm going much slower than everyone else. I just beat the Goldenrod Radio Tower. Current favorites are my Infernape, Nidoking, and Scizor. I have an Ampharos around the same level that I feel so-so about, a Dragonair that just evolved, but doesn't have the moves I'd LIKE it to have, and my HM slave, a Tropius. I just hated Bayleef so much that I brought over my favorite DP starter at level 1... good times.
I really need to get a good water type pokemon with some ice attacks, and then fill that HM slave slot with a Pokemon I can actually use in battle.. I'd probably try Stantler, that seemed pretty cool.
Taught my Swampert Ice Beam. Shit owns
Got it last Thursday. I play it every day and I'm only at Whitney.
Should I get Bellossom or Vileplume?
(03-23-2010, 05:47 PM)Whack-Dat-Yoshi Wrote: [ -> ]Should I get Bellossom or Vileplume?
vileplume is that even a qiestion. bellossom is like a slightly cooler roselia
can't wait to get my ds lite this friday, going to get silver and tear it up
anyone have a low level aipom they can trade me so i can start my journey with it?
you can get aipom as early as 2nd gym.
I have a bunch if you need one.
This voltorb game is easy. I shall have a Porygon in fucking no time

(03-24-2010, 12:49 AM)Lunyka Wrote: [ -> ]This voltorb game is easy. I shall have a Porygon in fucking no time 
i alwyas have to go all the way and it ends up fucking me. :-( played for like an hour straight and have only ~400 coins to show for it (a bulk of them coming form winning level 2 games)
at leeast its fun and very addicting (i havent beat whitney yet but how cool would it be to have dratini this early on???)