Got a shiny caterpie in the national park contest, ik I may be pvermentioning it by i haven't been this estatic since that shiny lickitung I caught, or that shiny poochyena I got in a trade
My roommate, his girlfriend, my girlfriend and I have been playing a lot of Pokémon lately and all three of them have caugt shiny Pokémon. ...But I haven't.

But El traded me her shiny Golbat which is now a crobat.

This'd be the third shiny I have on ss, counting gyra and the event pichu
I've never caught a shiny in any Pokemon game, ever :l
I just had like five shinies run from me in the safari zone, after the first few balls.
Marril geodude sandslash, fearow and jigglypuff
dude what the fuck seriously
am i anti-shiny or something
I just realized my sis had her action replay in her ds.
I had to use hers since my dsi died 20 mins ago
Caterpies legit since I got him playing my dsi tho
Shiny pokemon hate me so much.
Her ar wasn't turned on huh
well fuck that's unlucky luck. Safari zones the worst place to find a shiny, not to mention five
Bought SoulSilver, still waiting for my DS to come in.
From Hong Kong.

why didn't you just go to kmart or gamestop or walmart or some shit, lmfao
the hell you orderin one from hong kong for, you're not gettin that mf for another good week or two
(03-29-2010, 10:38 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]I've never caught a shiny in any Pokemon game, ever :l
yes you have
ive caught one in each gen(with shinies) though, caught 3 in diamond, wowza. looking forward to gettting one in hgss hopefully.
i'll ask again; does anyone have a male extremespeed dratini?
(03-29-2010, 11:16 PM)JarJar Wrote: [ -> ] (03-29-2010, 10:38 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]I've never caught a shiny in any Pokemon game, ever :l
yes you have
ive caught one in each gen(with shinies) though, caught 3 in diamond, wowza. looking forward to gettting one in hgss hopefully.
i don't count red gyarados because he's an event shiny
i haven't actually gone into the wild and been like WOH LOOK AT THIS SHINY GRIMER I JUST RAN INTO or some shit
I once ran into a Shiny Vileplume in Emerald's Battle Pyramid, but since they take your Pack away (and you have to earn items...) I was forced to KO it...Then in Leaf Green, I ran into a Shiny Meowth but wasn't paying attention and KO'd it...Also, I still try to avoid the Safari Zone because I ran into a Shiny Rhyhorn, and it fled right after I threw one Safari Ball at it...
...I eventually ran into, and caught a Shiny Diglett, and a Shiny Onix in Fire Red (on my first play-through of it too)...And I've bred a Shiny Charmander (Which actually was a Modest Nature, thanks to the Everstone), and Gastly that's about it though...other than, you know...battling random trainers that have them (like the first shiny I saw in the Third Generation: An Espeon in the Battle Tower)...
But yeah, beat Red a few days back, now I'm trying to get all the Gym Leader's Numbers to call for Rematches, I think I only need Blue's number now
(03-29-2010, 11:18 PM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ]i'll ask again; does anyone have a male extremespeed dratini?
I had one, but the Daycare deleted the move when I was trying to breed it...And I'm not sure If I'll be able to use a Heart Scale to re-learn it