Hey guys, just posting to say that the Yellow Forest Pokewalker course is up in HG & SS's Mystery Gifts Wi-fi
...Apparently, it's an item you pick up from the Pokemart, like every other Mystery gift, but it doesn't show up in your pack
Almost have my battle team together... at least the first draft of it.
Me too! Isn't that something.
After getting destroyed by Zac, Tonberry realizes he is back to square one with his party. Desperately, he plans his sixth Pokemon to elevate his team.
I don't get it, Nintendo WFC in my dorm works fine for Mystery Gift, but whenever I actually want to connect (for a trade or something), it farts out.
it sucks.

(04-02-2010, 10:55 AM)Jovian-12 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get it, Nintendo WFC in my dorm works fine for Mystery Gift, but whenever I actually want to connect (for a trade or something), it farts out.
it sucks. 
Hello my name is Tyvon and I am having
the exact same problem. 
Well, the countless hours of breeding have paid off. I've finally got my Torchic

He has an Adamant nature, 31 Speed IVs, 27 Attack Ivs and knows Agility.
Feels good, man.
Getting that mammoth like Pokemon for my team.
Yay, I beat all of the Pokeathlon courses on what is basically hard mode.
Also when did Raikou become Jesus because earlier I found him while surfing.
They are legendary beasts so that they have power.
(04-02-2010, 11:00 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ] (04-02-2010, 10:55 AM)Jovian-12 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get it, Nintendo WFC in my dorm works fine for Mystery Gift, but whenever I actually want to connect (for a trade or something), it farts out.
it sucks. 
Hello my name is Tyvon and I am having the exact same problem. 
it works for PSN on the PSP too, so maybe it's an official network thing vs connecting to another user? no idea.