(04-17-2010, 10:32 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]Man, even with a balanced team and decently high levels, Lance can be an incredible bitch without dragon or ice type moves. I was refighting the Elite Four to gain levels for my Gallade, and he had me on the ropes, mostly because I was low on healing stuff because I didn't stock up before going in.
I OHKO'd all of Lance's Pokémon, exept Gyarados, with Lucario's dragon pulse

But fucking Hell, three Dragonites?
His Dragonites were annoying bitches. They kept using Outrage/Dragon Rage and it took out like 75% out of my level 75 Ambipom's health.
Outrage has been cheap ever since they increased the damage, right now it can OHKO almost everything that doesn't resist it. I remember getting a win streak of like 80 in the Platinum battle tower, using only Dragonite+outrage, Lol.
Oh, and I just hatched a timid Rotom with 31 sp.attack/speed IVs, 30 HP IVs, and 28 defense/sp.defense IVS. That's a top percentage Rotom right there.
So, I had been trying to catch a few legendaries for a while now, with little to no success, and today, while we were all out in the city, I just happened to have the luck to catch Mewtwo, Suicune, and Kyogre.
team so far
Lv. 29 Ledian
Lv 56 Ditto
Lv 36 Octillery
Lv 36 Feraligtr
Lv 41 Shiny Raichu
Lv 45 Parasect
Im at the E4 and i need to grind ledian, Feral and Octillery to levels that could half way contend with the E4. I think Ill use a ledian in a way no ledian should be used. To attack.
Any way to get a thunderstone without having to earn one with points from the Pokeathlethium? or whatever it's called
I don't think so. I think you just kinda find them.
(04-18-2010, 07:37 PM)Keychain Wrote: [ -> ]Any way to get a thunderstone without having to earn one with points from the Pokeathlethium? or whatever it's called
Are you in Kanto yet?
I am so underlevel'd for the 5th gym battle

Having a problem training for some reason. :/
EDIT:Better post where I am. *palm to forehead*
Guys in mid 50s.
I seriously thought a ledian using substitue and focus punch would do a whole lot better against Karen then what it actually did.
Pretty much around Jasmine and I have trouble beating her with my guys (levels around 18 to early 30's)
Any good grinding spots I could try out?
(04-18-2010, 07:37 PM)Keychain Wrote: [ -> ]Any way to get a thunderstone without having to earn one with points from the Pokeathlethium? or whatever it's called
Pokewalker, Yellow Forest.
(04-18-2010, 08:33 PM)Phantom K Wrote: [ -> ] (04-18-2010, 07:37 PM)Keychain Wrote: [ -> ]Any way to get a thunderstone without having to earn one with points from the Pokeathlethium? or whatever it's called
Pokewalker, Yellow Forest.
Never got around to using the Pokewalker yet. Guess I'll give it a go.
Mathematical Equation Time:
Gallade(Lv 41) + (Swords Dance * 2) + Leaf Blade > Misty's Lineup (Lvs 49 to 54)
I probably could have gotten through without Swords Dancing twice, but I didn't take the risk. Seriously though, I one hit all of her pokemon, that's a Golduck, Lapras, Starmie and Quagsire! Fucking Quagsire, my worst fucking enemy, is FATALLY weak against Grass! FUCK YOU! PWND!! ):<