(03-15-2010, 12:54 PM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ]I have Soul Silver (pirate) waiting on the patch to get rid of the AP freezing. Hard to play like I use to when I have to stop every 20 minutes.
there's a leak of the english version out
desmume 0.9.5+ plays it perfectly fine
I still haven't opened my copy of SS. why? dunno.
I'll open it later tonight.
(03-15-2010, 02:28 PM)crotch buffet Wrote: [ -> ] (03-15-2010, 12:54 PM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ]I have Soul Silver (pirate) waiting on the patch to get rid of the AP freezing. Hard to play like I use to when I have to stop every 20 minutes.
there's a leak of the english version out
desmume 0.9.5+ plays it perfectly fine
Also No$GBA 1.6a works as well with the Black Screen Fix AR codes.
Both SS and HG are out in the emu scene.
(03-15-2010, 06:30 PM)Inf3rnal Wrote: [ -> ] (03-15-2010, 02:28 PM)crotch buffet Wrote: [ -> ] (03-15-2010, 12:54 PM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ]I have Soul Silver (pirate) waiting on the patch to get rid of the AP freezing. Hard to play like I use to when I have to stop every 20 minutes.
there's a leak of the english version out
desmume 0.9.5+ plays it perfectly fine
Also No$GBA 2.6a works as well with the Black Screen Fix AR codes.
Both SS and HG are out in the emu scene.
the english roms work rather well, I don't really see a problem with them aside from a occasional crash. you probably don't even need the code at this point.
yeah the crash happens at random-ass times though
so its smart to just save every time you do something important
i've literally had to restart 6 times because of it
I have a DSTT card so my crash happens every 25 events and pokemone battles of any kind as well as going through doors. This usually happens within a 20 minute time radius. So my crash is consistent and there's no patch for the card scene yet. At least on my card.
EDIT: Butttttt I'm powring through the restart if the game wasn't such a big load it'd be a virtual turn off and off kind of thing.
i got both versions for $40
im at cianwood or whatever the last city is now, lmao. gonna try and snag extremespeed dratini later, but now im messing with the pokewalker
Made it to Cianwood, and Accidentally Teleported back to Olivine...Then I decided to go get my Heavy Ball from Kurt, decided to give him some Blu Apricorns, caught a Slowpoke from the well, got back to Olivine, caught a Staryu, and now I'm back on Route 41, fighting off the onslaught of Tentacool that appear within seconds of fighting each one...and no Repels
and as I'm typing this I arrive back at Cianwood, and going straight to the Pokemon Center
(03-15-2010, 09:32 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Made it to Cianwood, and Accidentally Teleported back to Olivine...Then I decided to go get my Heavy Ball from Kurt, decided to give him some Blu Apricorns, caught a Slowpoke from the well, got back to Olivine, caught a Staryu, and now I'm back on Route 41, fighting off the onslaught of Tentacool that appear within seconds of fighting each one...and no Repels
and as I'm typing this I arrive back at Cianwood, and going straight to the Pokemon Center
*Josh your local up-to-the-minute Johto watch.*
just beat lance aka champion of the elite four. kanto time.
(03-15-2010, 10:45 PM)morgan assholes Wrote: [ -> ]just beat lance aka champion of the elite four. kanto time.
Just got Heart Gold and after 3 hours of contemplating about what starter I should pick, I went with Totodile.
Got it last night and just beat falkner with my adamant pidgey and naughty rattata.

my magnemite's nature is Sassy and it says it's "mischievous"
I don't know why this makes me laugh so much
also, caught the red gyarados, named it SUSHI, realized it was a girl.
stuck it in the Pokewalker, which seems demeaning somehow
"check out my friend!
