(05-09-2010, 06:56 PM)G-man Wrote: [ -> ]How do I do the event for the pokewalker?
Just go to mystery gift on main menu and get it from wifi
(05-09-2010, 06:29 PM)Phantom K Wrote: [ -> ]So I caught all 26 normal Unowns...
is something supposed to happen when I get all of them ordid I just waste my time
You show them to a kid in the house next to the caves and he gives you stickers for the corresponding letters to put on your pokéball. As far as I know thats all that it does.
(05-10-2010, 02:04 PM)Vanilla Ice Wrote: [ -> ] (05-09-2010, 06:29 PM)Phantom K Wrote: [ -> ]So I caught all 26 normal Unowns...
is something supposed to happen when I get all of them ordid I just waste my time
You show them to a kid in the house next to the caves and he gives you stickers for the corresponding letters to put on your pokéball. As far as I know thats all that it does.
were is this kid? I have all 28 unknown
Oh wait... I'm thinking Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. >.<" Sorry
haha, yeah. I looked it up and you've gotta catch all 26 AND open all of the secret rooms in the individual chambers and then a section where you can catch ! and ? opens up
Check out my new Gallade, guys.
Those fucking IVs.
And, while hatching a Pokémon this good usually takes me 3-4 hours, I hatched this one after about 30 minutes.

doing a lot of imports lately, I have everything gone from LeafGreen now except a Magikarp (lmao).
I've really wanted to replay 3rd gen recently for some reason. HeartGold has sort of been my "storage" game now, importing and trading everything to it...I almost have nine boxes full.
though it seems weird to restart Sapphire, even with all the Pokemon gone...it's the game I've clocked the most hours on (to my knowledge anyway), with 211...seems weird to get rid of that.
Caught a Hasty Tauros and maxing out EVs in Attack and Speed.
Am I the only one who, after months of owning the game, STILL hasn't decided on a "perfect" team?
Or is that just because I'm completely behind on an entire generation and am still catching up?
I don't have my team entirely settled either, though I am working on a few Pokemon that I plan to add. Nothing really competitive however, which I probably should do so I can battle people here.
I know what my perfect team is.
Always has been, always will be. Just like to experiment with other members.
I don't have a perfect team per se, but I have a bunch of parties that work well together. I haven't really mixed and matched...yet.
I've had one set up
but I never got around to actually making it
I only got as far as my Kingdra (which I'm going to scrap b/c of its shit defenses)
which is bad, considering a ton of people at my school are (surprisingly, but unironically) major Pokemon buffs. Which means they have these crazy teams set up and shit, and I'm pretty much left behind in the curve :C
I just recently broke a hundred obtained pokemon and I'm still grindan to beat the Elite Four. What were they thinking making wild pokemon so weak in Johto? I'm probably just going to take the easy way out and Pokesav some level 50 pokemon with fair stats.
(05-18-2010, 03:23 PM)Phantom K Wrote: [ -> ]Oh no the games challenging I'd better cheat
Story of my life.
(05-17-2010, 08:27 PM)Chdonga Wrote: [ -> ]I just recently broke a hundred obtained pokemon and I'm still grindan to beat the Elite Four. What were they thinking making wild pokemon so weak in Johto? I'm probably just going to take the easy way out and Pokesav some level 50 pokemon with fair stats.
Oh no the games challenging I'd better cheat