finally got it workin
some weirdass glitch gave my 1000 xp for killing the first pokemon i encountered so my croconaw is hilariously overleveled right now
lvl 22 croconaw
lvl 13 mareep
lvl 14 pidgey
just beat falkner and am about to run through union cave
I'm in the radio tower.
Feraligatr, Togekiss, Ampharos, Magmortar, Espeon, and Ursaring
Surpisingly enough I want this game(I stopped at the original silver), and this thread only makes me want it more.

I need money.
Going through Victory Road right now. Do repels work in caves? I could swear that they don't, but Jesus Christ I am running into something every five seconds. I hate caves.
EDIT: nevermind I'm just about out, gotta fight my rival.
Pretty sure repels work anywhere there are random encounters.
repels only work if your main pokemon is higher than everything else in the cave.
I beat the game tonight guys!!!
Trying to get groundon and mewtwo right now as we speak.
Also I managed to catch that raoming Latios.
Łǖŋÿĸå says:
I noticed it was above misty's town I was in safferon. I moved up to Misty's town and it was right above misty's town (there are two routs above her town.) so I guess that it would be in the route I was in next to i Quickly entered then left the town and checked the map. I didn't see it on the map meaning I was right fucking on top of it so I rcoked climed to the grassy area and first fucking encounter
what the hell you guys have way too much time if you can beat the game in two days or less
im only at mahogany town and ive been playing for 23 hours.
ive been doin a shitload of extra stuff tho
I ran into Entei twice without even looking for him, I got him in the original Gold too...bro must like me.
I realized what I liked about GSC over DPPt is its use of Pokemon in everyday places. stuff like Moomoo Farm, Slowpoke Well, Glitter Lighthouse, Lake of Rage, etc...they're all places that have to do with regular old Pokemon and help make the world seem more believable.
DPPt had a more defined plot but it was pretty typical JRPG "monster thing going to erase the universe" fare...less subtlety.
Just beat Pryce, and got my fifth badge.
Am I doing it wrong?
(03-17-2010, 09:46 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]what the hell you guys have way too much time if you can beat the game in two days or less
It's called I do nothing on most days.
Heh, I'm actually going to see the boyfriend today and play pokemon with him too. He also beat the game in two days and he has both work and school.
Also Bill gave me a Female Eevee. Fuck yes

And right now I'm going around to places using Hoenn sound to catch things.
Morty is being an ass, so I caught a Raticate that I'm leveling to 19 so I can get Sucker Punch. Hopefully that'll put the bastard in his place.
(03-16-2010, 04:13 PM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ]can someone tell me if you can link HG/SS battle frontier with Pt battle frontier??
someone who beat the game try this
I would if I actually had Pt version.
Also I caught all the pokemon I needed to using Hoenn Sound. Now going down the list seeing what I need to do to catch what.