Hmm...Anyone else getting some cool stuff from their Mom in the game? I just got the stuff from the Pokemart, and so far she sent me a Choice Scarf and a Focus Sash (Plus a bunch of Berries)
Also, I just got out of the Ice Path, and started grinding a little, since two of my Pokemon were under-leveled, and I'm trying to evolve Eevee into Espeon
Yeah, Mom is awesome in this game. I just beat the E4 and I'm now in Kanto. Winning Team; Espeon, Feraligatr, Magmortar, Gliscor, Togekiss, and Ampharos.
(03-17-2010, 01:36 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]Morty is being an ass, so I caught a Raticate that I'm leveling to 19 so I can get Sucker Punch. Hopefully that'll put the bastard in his place.
Well my Sucker Punch idea didn't work, because it always fails and it only has 5 PP. My SECOND idea is to boost Raticate up a few more levels for its NEXT dark type move... either that, or just do a general team boosting.
General Team at the moment (Wanting to trade from my old game sooo bad... why am I so lazy? XD):
-Bayleef (Only chose because I had the other two starters in Diamond)
-Dratini (From Game Corner)
-Raticate (To beat Morty (In theory))
-Kadabra (Because it kills the poison typing in Morty's other ghosts until I hit Gengar, who is so much higher in level and hits first with Shadowball)
-Onix (Seriously, I don't know why he's here)
-Flaafy (Because I want to get an Amphros (or whatever))
That's it, tonight after drinking I'm gonna trade over some GOOD pokemon from Diamond. The only trouble is that I can only trade Pokemon I've seen via GTS T_T
Why not try a Meowth? They can't be hit by Shadow Ball, and come with Bite at the levels you can catch them.
That is all.
I managed to win with a pidgeotto.
All Gengar could do was Shadow Ball and Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch does pussy damage though...
Anyways he'd spam hypnosis, so I'd spam roost while sleeping since roost nullifies sucker punch and heals pidgeotto from any sucker punch damage.
After losing sucker punch PP, Pidgeotto can go on the offensive with Gust. Sure Gengar might hypnosis some more, but with no sucker punch Pidgeotto can just spam Gust from here on out, laughing at Gengar losing its pp from spamming MEAN LOOK, HYPNOSIS, and SHADOW BALL WHICH DOES NOTHING.
I used Kangaskahn

(03-17-2010, 09:06 PM)soulcaliburfan Wrote: [ -> ]I used Kangaskahn 
Still doesn't top my manly strategy
stantler strategy: 1hit kill everyone
the end
Stantler was my Jesus rising from Hell and stomping on the ghosts of wrath.
Current team:
fuckin monsters
fine, be cheap with your one hit stantlers
I'll be man-handling chuck with croconaw
My current team consists of
Zangoose (thx morgan ilu)
Red Gyarados
Noctowl (I only use it for Fly tbh)
man the music in this game is so fuckin awesome, i have my speakers attached to my DS with the volume high
shitted bricks at dragons den remix