WOW i just got really lucky
i caught mewtwo on the first turn with a quick ball
I save my master ball for Mewtwo, but I'm glad there is another way too catch him.
Red gyrados-30
And pidgey-4
At the Rockets hideout
Wow Chuck had made my Hypno grow a biit more than I expected.
And fuck yeah Spikey Eared Pichu

I know HG/SS is a remake of the old game G/S, but where is the place you go too get too Kanto again?
I kinda forgot and Bulbapedia isn't working for me.
Tojoh falls
that's the place your thinking of
fuck yeah beat red
shit was intense pause not
used my party of psuedo-legendaries from platinum hurr
off to catch sum legendaries
(03-21-2010, 08:40 PM)Drew Wrote: [ -> ]Tojoh falls
that's the place your thinking of
Thanks for the info.

just made a breaking discovery
in wifi club when you trade you can just TAP THE QUIT BUTTON to exit instead of scrolling through half the time.
I know there is a Pal Park, but is there one in HG?
Sorry for asking the questions as well.
Yeah, it's where the Safari Zone used to be in Fuchsia City.
As for my little dilemma, you can apparently receive the elemental plates from the captain of the S.S. Aqua on subsequent trips. However... he isn't giving anything to me, so I dunno what I'm missing exactly. Anyone have any idea? Do you need to be going from Johto to Kanto specifically? Because I'm going the other way, so maybe that's it. Other than that, nothing comes to mind.
Can you get Aipom in HG/SS?
Or any new Pokemon from after the 2nd generation that is.
Beat Red. Level 90 Absol with Sucker Punch ftw.
I wish there was an EASY way to transfer Pokemon or items from your old game to the new ones.. T_T I tried GTSing myself, but I couldn't find myself!
I used 2 DSes and the wireless thing.