When I read the title I excpected Mario then when I went into it i went O_O;
Anyway, Great Artwork though, I like it

That's why I made the topic title like that.
I am very deceiving.
Wow, great shading! Is this supposed to be a picture of you?
My character, I guess.
it wasn't originally going to be him, but it turned into some weird mutated version of him.
I want to hug it. I dun care if it will eat my brains it be cute
It kinda looks like your character cosplaying as that thing from the game where you go in and out the door a whole bunch of times then at one point when you go in everything goes inverted and that thing appears.
I'm never going to be able to sleep again now, I hope you're happy!
That's just what I'm looking for.
*pokes with stick* tis gonna eat my brains
Hahaha, I remember when you started drawing this. I love how you ended up doing the shading.