(03-22-2010, 10:27 PM)morgan assholes Wrote: [ -> ]oh
well atleast you apologized. mods you can lock this now.
(03-22-2010, 10:28 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]this is really boring
i agree, your gimmick was pretty terrible OP, better luck next time
4chan /b/ lol guy fawkes herp over 9000 mudkips firin lazors.
derrpp /b/ is so cool. i can get get wiht all the teenagers its so hawt and cash.

rage guy.
they have these things called memes (me-me!) and theyre so cool. theyre one with a guy in a trench coat and hes singing some awesome song. i think its clled nickroll or sumthin. ps did i mention the awesome anonymous guys?
(03-22-2010, 10:39 PM)dad Wrote: [ -> ]they have these things called memes (me-me!) and theyre so cool. theyre one with a guy in a trench coat and hes singing some awesome song. i think its clled nickroll or sumthin. ps did i mention the awesome anonymous guys?
please dad, educate me more on your shitty website and all the fucking retarded things you do on it to participate
i finished dinner hunny, you can quit buggin' everybody!