Only comment on Flannery is that it might do some good to add a LITTLE shadding to the part of her hair that's not put up or bangs. I really don't know how to describe the spot. :p
the part of hair above her eye? if so there's already shading there, just not a lot since i want it to be noticable due to the back being already dark with shading.
if not then you might have to point it out.
Brawly's hair feels a bit too flat. It feels as if the... left side of his hair should have some shading.
(05-12-2010, 05:55 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]Brawly's hair feels a bit too flat. It feels as if the... left side of his hair should have some shading.
Yeah I've thought about this, I'll see if I can do something about it.
I think Flannery's hair on the front could use a tiny bit of dithering. But all around, they look in-style.
alright, improved some of brawly's hair, i think it looks fine now, and got rid of the unnessesary black.
and the dither wouldnt work for flannery's front, so it's fine the way it is.
Sweet, it has more 'volume' now.
You're doing an excellent job. You're gonna submit this when you're done, right? Right?
Yes I will, my first custom submission too. (funny how my first and only submission was also hoenn related)
this is coming along quite a ways
do keep up.
Gosh, these are simply epic. You're really amazing. I can't wait to see the others.
Yeah, the part you're talking about is what I meant. I just thought a little more could be better.
finish these up loyal u fuc
Whoa, dude. That's really good.
I haven't told you recently that I love you.
I have to say that they definitely look great! However, I'd have to say that the girls' hands aren't very feminine; they kinda look like chunky man-hands.
But otherwise, everything looks great.