College is way more important. Take your time
I'm going to resume ripping super heroes stuff too, I just don't know what to rip :p
(04-05-2010, 11:31 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Hell yes!
Eheh, I trust it's to your liking?
Is there a Deadpool game? Just wondering, since a friend of mine needs Deapool sprites and I can't find any on TSR
Nice rip of Wolfie Nai. Oh if anyone is going to rip X Men 2: Clone Wars, there is a boss that only appears in one of the prototype versions.
(04-09-2010, 01:57 PM)wakatoria Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a Deadpool game? Just wondering, since a friend of mine needs Deapool sprites and I can't find any on TSR
A straight no, at least not yet until the Deadpool movie comes out. As for sprites though, the only game that he appears in sprite form as far as I know is Marvel Ultimate Alliance for the GBA and GBA games aren't part of this project, sorry.
Batman Returns (Genesis)
Considering that The Penguin and Catwoman appear more often than these guys more or less on every stage, there isn't really that much.
So far, the best sheet in this project
For the first moment, I thought he's riding a giant potato.
The Tick (Genesis)
Helper Characters?
Thought that I'll help Ton out with this, I'll also try to get the sprites that he can't get for the Tick.
Thanks man.

I preferred Bat Manuel from the live action series.

(04-09-2010, 01:57 PM)wakatoria Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a Deadpool game? Just wondering, since a friend of mine needs Deapool sprites and I can't find any on TSR
I can get you deadpool sprites. I have a character from mugen made by Wucash from The Unlimited . I'll rip it for you
(I understand tSR does not accept gifs)