Lemon's Super HGSS Tournament 1
Hello everyone! With the recent EU and US releases of HGSS, I thought I'd set up a little tournament style event thingy. If you have a DS, a copy of Heart Gold or Soul Silver and a Nintendo Wi-Fi Connector, you're good to go! This is gonna be a no rules affair, the only thing you have to do is play a match against the person you get placed against.
Just leave your name and Friend Code if you fancy a go, and when there are enough I'll set up the game. After eight people have signed up, or sixteen, I'm not sure how many people will have the game and Wi-Fi yet, I'll set up the matches. Don't worry if you don't get into this round, if it's sucsessful then I'll make another. 
2837 2294 3219
4727 0165 2708
2708 4035 0692
There should at least be a level limit... or level tiers in case different people want to use different leveled Pokemon.
There are some trainers (like me) that haven't completed the game yet and don't really have any Pokemon above level 60 that might want to participate.
Tyvon there's limits on wi-fi battle that can automatically set your level to 50 or 100.
I gotta run you through these options sometime!
And I think I might enter this for the gym leader project since I can't access shoddy.
Iiiinteresting. I'm only at the second gym; but if I cram some time into it, I might be able to participate in this.
I would, but I don't have the time too it sorry.
It would be cool as well too face you guys/girls in Pokemon.
Could all you who want in please post friend codes?
Need at least 7 more people to begin.
i'm in, i'll get fc in a bit. I seriously need to start ev training my extremespeed dratini if im going to actually try to win, since its FEMALE AND I CANT FUCKING BREED FOR IVS >:[
I'd like to just say 'I'm in' but with all the time I'm spending on my classes, I don't know if I'll be able to (I don't think I'll have a team ready...)
Here: 4727 0165 2708
But I thought that Pokemon friend code topic was posted for a reason.
Tonberry2k - Pearl 1289 5652 1933 | Heart Gold 2708 4035 0692
Updated. Need 5 more to begin.