Okay, so i'm not sure if this is illegal(in that case just delete this thread) but here goes :
I was wondering if there exists a ways to convert .exe files to .nes files. I searched everywhere for it but didn't find anything.
Oh, and for those who are wondering, this is to play an awesome remake of rockman/megaman 7 in 8-bit style and i wanted joypad support. So thanks in advance.
HERE is the link to rockman 7
>play rom of megaman 7
>use emulator that has joybad support
bingo bango problem solved
if life could only be so easy
1. acquire nes to usb converter
2. plug in to computer
3. use joy2key for nes support
problem solved
or better yet since you want to play it on an emulator which I assume mans you already have your own joypad
1. use joy2key for controller support
problem solved
also such a converter isn't even remotely possible
Maybe i didn't clear up the situation.
I got a .exe file of a remake (8-bit style) of megaman 7.
Since the .exe has no joypad support and i'm on a french (azertyuiop) keyboard, it's completely unplayable.
Now, if I can get it to work on my NES (or any other system emulator, for that matter) emulator, I will be able to play with my joypad and with a HqX view filter (which pwns, BTW).
So there rises the question of "Is it possible to convert an .exe to a type of file readable by an emulator ?"
I believe you should be looking for
(03-29-2010, 11:39 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]joy2key
I think you missed my post.
(03-29-2010, 11:39 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]use joy2key for controller support
Oh, I actually did not see that ('-.-)... Well thanks a lot ! it works fine ! AND this means i can play online games with mah joystick !!!!!

JOY2KEY FTW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!