Vipershark: unironically thanking ironic posts since 1837
can i have a red username
no im not joking due to mine already being a darker red
why am i not banned yet?????? morgan isnt even a mod. this is just an april fools joke i bet. im never going to be banned.
(i just literally owned everyone. ban me morgan.)
this is probably a joke just like when suigin was
can i get a red username like the admins
rhymey i have cllected all seven draons bals please kiss me
make me th emod and i'll suck 8 dicks...
but whos dicks will be up to a lottery.....
but i can be swayd
(04-01-2010, 10:44 AM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]no morgan you sold yourself to the system how dare you i though you were an icol to apathy and poop jokes and breast this is it we are now enemies
i'm a mod too shitbirds suck my moderating dick
can i have a yellow name now or what
aight i talked it up with the rest of the staff, you can have a yellow name