Is there any way to blow up a sprite in photoshop and still retain the same quality?
I've tried transform and image size and both times it turns blurry.
Edit -> Preferences -> General -> Interpolation = Nearest Neighbor
Great, thanks.
whilst I am here does anyone know a quicker way of taking sprites from a sprite sheet?
I use to be able to magic wand it and take away the bg, but on the sheets I get from here it doesn't work and I have to manually delete the background with a eraser.
How doesn't it work?
If it's blurriness, turn off Anti-Aliasing and reduce Tolerance to 0 on the Wand Tool
It doesn't work because it selects part of the sprite rather than just the background, and I've tried it with 0 tolerance/AA off, it is just worse.
That worked perfectly, thanks Arkinea.