i just saw How To Train Your Dragon last night, oh my god i loved it!
so here's toothless, his tail/wings are messed up for now because i drew this on a laptop and long lines do not agree with touchpads, but i'll fix them
![[Image: nightfury3.png]](http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/Cyhunt/Stuff/nightfury3.png)
The colors are too dark and the contrast is too low as to notice it's details, but besides that, it looks great.
The colors kinda reminded me of Pokemon style just a bit, and that would suit it better for a base and it will be easier for it to be done in my personal opinion, and if you do want to keep this up with this same base try to get a better position of the legs and face and neck
Ah, thank you. I messed with his colors, i hope it looks better while still trying to make him a black dragon.
kinda don't like how his pose turned out, it's very cramped but i don't want to redo it since i'm tired :U but i do kind of like how the wings came out even though they gave me a lot of trouble.
![[Image: nightfury4.png]](http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/Cyhunt/Stuff/nightfury4.png)
haha, i really like the pokemon style of spriting, i guess i really incorporated it into him.
It's a good pose, but I just can't really tell what he's doing. Is he sitting/lying down?
nice sprite, btw
Yeah the colors seem to react really nice, and I had the same question as Wavey, what kind of activity is Toothless doing here?
thank you very much. I have really no idea what he is doing, i guess he's just kinda floating/flying. i didn't really have a pose idea when i started this... bad idea |D