I agree completely, there has to be a baby cow pokemon. Maybe have the gender difference be somthing not completely subtle like the color of spots, maybe like the amount of tails it has or having bigger horns.
Also, what about an ant pokemon? Or even a fire ant pokemon. It could be bug and evlove into a bug/fire, and for the final stage if its female it turns into a queen ant pokemon or more of a worker ant thing.
the fire ant's evolution idea sounds too much like vespiquen.
if you want to add originality you could have the workers and queens be gender differences that have slightly altered movesets or stats or something
We definately should add baby cow.
I think its settled, we need the baby cow.
No, I really think this ganme would be better if we added a baby cow.
I had an idea for the trio in this game to be Dragons. Ice Fire and Electric?
I think everyone has been waiting for a Fire Dragon. Also, as a group, that seems too much like Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres
Doesn't Charizard count as a Fire Dragon?
You'd think so, but it's Fire/Flying.
(04-12-2010, 04:42 AM)Kairos Wrote: [ -> ]I had an idea for the trio in this game to be Dragons. Ice Fire and Electric?
While the types are cool, there already is a Dragon trio. Dialga, Palkia, and Giratine are Dragon/Steel, Water, and Ghost. Not saying it's a bad idea, but it's been done. But hey, Gens 1 and two both had fire and electric as part of the trio, and gens 1 and 3 both had ice.
(04-12-2010, 06:25 AM)Wes Wrote: [ -> ] (04-12-2010, 04:42 AM)Kairos Wrote: [ -> ]I had an idea for the trio in this game to be Dragons. Ice Fire and Electric?
While the types are cool, there already is a Dragon trio. Dialga, Palkia, and Giratine are Dragon/Steel, Water, and Ghost.
I have no idea why I forgot about them.
I like the idea for the baby cow, but that design is waaaayyyyy too unpokemon like and looks kinda bad :X
Also, we NEED a flamingo and (another) mushroom type pokemon
bug trio?

Okay added Calf to the list.