Water pokemon trio. One could be Electric water aka a jellyfish, a Grass aka a crab and a ground water aka Toad Water. Heres one
And we could have "Contest Leaders". You woul face the off at the end of each contest, and they would have there pokemon high in each branch. One Contest Hall could be Beauty, another could be Cool, one for smart, etc.
EDIT: Image tags wont work so just copy and paste this
![[Image: mashrums.png]](http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/7359/mashrums.png)
a really quick idea I came up with for a mushroom type poke. I need sugg. on the colors :X
Well there are all kinds of unusual mushrooms out there.
You got your box shrooms, your puffballs, your cage shrooms, stinkhorns, jelly, birdcages, trumpets, toothed, cupped, sooo many.
Why I bet you didn't know that Shroomish was based off of the
Earthstar mushroom? Neither does Bulbapedia.
Water/Fire type evolutionary chain.
A squid(Water) who evolves to a kraken with a Volcano instead of the pointy head thing(Water/Fire).

Just a quick update on a map I created of Pallet Town, do you think we should make the towns bigger like this?
I understand making the cities bigger, but completely redoing them?
Well I like it, it's loosely based on the games but with influences from Manga and Anime, which I think makes for a better experience.
Also, the larger maps leave more room to have more interesting scenarios/story threads.
I thought we were making our own region.
Are you gonna make gym badges as well?
Probably if we do that tent thingy, which sounds awesome, then we'll have some badges or like item.
I was thinking, maybe we could fight some of the gym leaders from Generation 1 and 2. They would be younger of course like Bugsy would be about 10 while Sabrina would be about 14, that way instead of being able to go to another region, we could just fight these guys at a Trainer House sort of like Viridian Citys after beating the Elite Four.
okay, this is probably how the programming's going down:
I'm making a new RPG engine in .NET C# as opposed to XNA. idk when i can be arsed to finish it, i've been way busy.
It will be the basis for Prism, obviously with Pokemon features added.
It will also be the basis for Unity 2010, obviously with tactical battles and isometricity.
Even better, a very simplistic version will be released into the public. Whatever you make with it is yours and you may redistribute it freely.
The released engine will not be very impressive but will have the basic elements of a FF-styled RPG. It's up to you to add stuff to it. As for default sprites, it will have what professionals lovingly refer to as "programmer art". You pretty much have to make your own graphics.
It will not be open-source, just very moddable with Lua scripting. I'll eventually make a RPG Maker clone out of it, but that'll be for later.
I hope I covered everything.
I don't like the sound of that. We shouldn't change the formula of battles, it wouldn't be a Pokemon game if we made the battles like FF.
No, I mean that the publicly released one will have FF battles
The Prism one will have Pokemon battles
um, i thought that if members on this forum are making their own gyms, then how bout you let them do whatever they want with their gyms, for example, if i were to get a gym (FOR EXAMPLE) then i could have the freedom to make the puzzle, i would probably do a gym with slides (that you can only go down) and an escalator maybe, and the gym would be a normal or something like that, what i am saying is let the people who can be gym leaders, form their own gyms and "hire" gym trainers