04-19-2010, 03:03 PM
05-08-2010, 03:22 AM
Are we still doing this?
05-08-2010, 01:50 PM
IDK, this project seems to be slowly dieing :/
05-08-2010, 03:45 PM
Can I just suggest that for this game that there are different costumes for your character, instead of just the standard, annoying, single costume?
05-08-2010, 04:47 PM
(05-08-2010, 01:50 PM)Baegal Wrote: [ -> ]IDK, this project seems to be slowly dieing :/
Like most projects.
But I had an idea that adds on to what Aurapigonstilts said. Only instead of just costumes you can actually choose what type of trainer you'd like to be. Each type has different advantages and starts off a little differently. Here are some ideas:
Camper = More likely Pokemon will be holding berries, starts off with a lot of berries. Begins adventure at home.
Fisher Boy/ Girl = Finds rare Pokemon when fishing, start with an Old Rod. Begins adventure by the docks.
Rich Boy/ Girl = Makes double the money, start with a lot of cash. Begins adventure in the manor.
You're still a kid (male or female) who wants to be the Champion and visits the Prof. and gets a Pokemon, but you're home is located somewhere different in town.
05-09-2010, 03:30 AM
Yeah, this could really work! I just think that, if we go with the whole 'being in different towns' idea, surely that wouldn't work because if you have just started, and end up in a town surrounded by high level pokemon, and your stuck with, say, a level 5 charmander, that couldn't work. Would it be more like your house in Pallet town changes according to what type of person you are (like Fishers start on a house with a dock on the river, Rich people start in a mansion)?
05-09-2010, 03:32 AM
Or we make the starter town a much larger place, with regular houses, docks and manor in it.
05-09-2010, 08:31 AM
The only flaw I see is IMO nobody would want to be a camper if all you get is berries, where if you're a rich boy you could basically buy anything you wanted. I would add disadvantages for some, or make something better for camper :/
05-09-2010, 10:06 AM
How about a comper is more likely to get much rarer berries, or even berries no-one else can get, and things like that
05-09-2010, 10:33 AM
If it were me, I'd give each type of player a HM that they can use outside battle from the start of the game.
Camper - Cut
Hiker - Rock Climb
Fisher - Surf
Camper - Cut
Hiker - Rock Climb
Fisher - Surf
05-09-2010, 11:12 AM
Or let certain Pokémon use certain HMs on the field without having to have them in their moveset. The normal requirements for the HM would still be effective (obtaining it first, must have certain badge etc).
Ex: Most Water Pokémon can Surf.
Ex: Most Water Pokémon can Surf.
05-09-2010, 12:35 PM
How about the camper has a higher chance of finding berries on pokemon and he can start out with 5 of each status healer item and 10 potions. He could also have more items on the overworld then the other classes. The fisherman could find items by fishing and can dive underwater without hm dive.
05-09-2010, 12:41 PM
(05-09-2010, 12:35 PM)Blitz Troopa Wrote: [ -> ]How about the camper has a higher chance of finding berries on pokemon and he can start out with 5 of each status healer item and 10 potions. He could also have more items on the overworld then the other classes. The fisherman could find items by fishing and can dive underwater without hm dive.your post:
camper - literally the easiest playthrough of any pokemon game
fisherman - you can swim and dive without the HMs, peace
05-09-2010, 08:12 PM
![[Image: minunplusle.png]](http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/7719/minunplusle.png)
Minun and Plusle prevo and evo. Based off of equality, division, and multiplication. This is just what the evolution would look like, I would believe the sprite would have a different pose. Feel free to change the design up abit. And to the previous post, that is true, I was just trying to give the camper a bit more quirks.
05-09-2010, 08:49 PM
Well I think every trainer should have not only pros but cons too.
While the Rich Kid makes a lot of money, he's less likely to find rare Pokemon.
Like for example on Route 92 there's a 10% chance of finding Kangaskhan, 40% chance for Pidgeotto, and 50% chance of Bibarel.
For Rick Kid its 5% for Kangaskhan, 20% for Pidgeotto, and 75% chance of Bibarel!
How about they can get an item later that allows them to use those moves without a Pokemon learning them?
The Fisher gets a Surf Board item. The Hiker gets Mountain Boots.
While the Rich Kid makes a lot of money, he's less likely to find rare Pokemon.
Like for example on Route 92 there's a 10% chance of finding Kangaskhan, 40% chance for Pidgeotto, and 50% chance of Bibarel.
For Rick Kid its 5% for Kangaskhan, 20% for Pidgeotto, and 75% chance of Bibarel!
(05-09-2010, 10:33 AM)Yutaka Wrote: [ -> ]If it were me, I'd give each type of player a HM that they can use outside battle from the start of the game.
Camper - Cut
Hiker - Rock Climb
Fisher - Surf
How about they can get an item later that allows them to use those moves without a Pokemon learning them?
The Fisher gets a Surf Board item. The Hiker gets Mountain Boots.