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Full Version: fakemon restart........ plz??????
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(04-05-2010, 01:46 PM)Andy Justicehammer Wrote: [ -> ]I want a Lucario evolution and a Arcanine one.

i hope this is a poor attempt at trolling

(04-05-2010, 01:30 PM)Helter Skelter Wrote: [ -> ]Are there any lion pokeman

shinx, luxio, and luxray are based on lions.
I'm not trolling Jar Jar, its just it would be cool too see a new evolution for them in the fifth generation.
Just getting my hopes up ok?
(04-05-2010, 12:19 PM)Epistaxis Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, I wasn't actually planning on giving them lycanthropy, I just meant BIG SCARY DARK WOLF thing, really.

Mostly because I am uninventive, I'm loosely basing the first evolution on my dog, hurr.

All other Pokémon are based on some sort of animal. Except Voltorb obviously i got no fucking clue what that thing is.
I don't remember any Pokémon even loosely resembling a wolf anyway so go for it.
(04-05-2010, 11:51 AM)Epistaxis Wrote: [ -> ]GUYS. I am working on an idea for a fakemon
but I am utterly uninformed about anything after 1st gen
So uh, are there any dark pokemon that are particularly lupine? I was messing around with a werewolf-inspired idea and I didn't want to finish it only to find out there's a similar official one :C

Mightyena sort of

do it anyway of course :-)
I want to know who made these
[Image: 3355e2e.png]
So I can have sex with them.
king seesar looks cool
is that jet jaguar holy shit
guys shutup im the godzilla fan here Cool
Kaijudo theatre will never be the same if it turned into a Pokemon spin off. I'd buy it of course.
[Image: 538pab.png]
dont like any of them

octillery evo is decent but he doesnt need an evo.
I love that Sneazel pre-evo. I would never evolve it.

The Jynx and Mr. Mike evos are pretty cool too.

i mean mime
I kinda like the Jinx one - and the Sea Queen isn't too bad?
all of them suck loads except seaqueen
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