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Full Version: Did anyone see Super Bowl XIV? I heard it was a final fantasy.
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[Image: 2nukm1l.jpg]
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you forgot to erase your skype name on the second one, duder.
dont care anymore lol B)
chad i need to know what the combat is like right thE FUCK NOW
i cant tell honestly i only fough one thing, but theres no auto attack if that haalps
(04-08-2010, 10:10 PM)icarly viewer Wrote: [ -> ]theres no auto attack if that haalps

oh my god
i only played the 360 version of FFXI but i remember having to use a whole bunch of kinda confusing menus for spells and abilities and there bein no hotkeys for like anything, are there still like a trillion menus
thats cause your a tard and never knew how to use macros in which you can use every spell / ability /item/ WHATEVER just by pressing ctrl+a number or alt+a number

but no one ever bothers to actuyally learn what the fuck they doing they just play and decide agter hitting lvl 2
: - )
so when did they add a ctrl or alt button to the 360
(04-09-2010, 02:01 AM)icarly viewer Wrote: [ -> ]thats cause your a tard and never knew how to use macros in which you can use every spell / ability /item/ WHATEVER just by pressing ctrl+a number or alt+a number

but no one ever bothers to actuyally learn what the fuck they doing they just play and decide agter hitting lvl 2

(04-09-2010, 02:05 AM)Nystre Wrote: [ -> ]so when did they add a ctrl or alt button to the 360

shoulder buttons

360 controller makes the ame leagues easier
I actually hated the console controls but fair enough
more alpha tomorrow night in the meantime heres this shit

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dude this game is fucking beautiful
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