april 7th, 2010
a wednesday
i finally got a little hermit crab heater for the tank and some shells for paulo
he appreciates them as he likes to climb over the shells
im sure hes lonely and wants a buddy
Give the crab a friend.

Don't give him a friend.
He will devour them if they're smaller than he is, and they'll get him if theyre bigger.
hermit crabs are social critters
i got him two buddies roughly the same size
one is rather shy and i named him chaste and the other is really energetic and i named him galley
paulo doesnt really like either of them at the moment
he was kind of a bully to galley but galley wound up just walking away
and chaste just sits in the food dish and nibbles on his tomato
i hope paulo gets used to them or their scent or whatever even though i doubt he would really try to hurt either of them atm
this is seriously the best thread in Spamhaul
april 8th, 2010
a thursday
what a relief paolo and galley left each other alone mostly last night
in fact they were both in the coconut when i woke up so thats even better
chaste has the coolest shell atm imo
i want to see a picture of paulo and chaste and galley and their wonderful coconut
EDIT: wait no don't that would ruin the magic
i was trying to take pictures of paulo before i got galley and chaste but they were all horrible