(04-05-2010, 10:15 PM)icarly viewer Wrote: [ -> ]the problem is they arent even attractive.. the two on the sides are decent. the one in the middle is fugly
for some reason i thought the vice versa
everyone above me has no taste or at least stupid tastes
Quote:everyone above me has no taste or at least stupid tastes
this is also partially influenced by their singing, lyrics, and general movement/attitude, btw
itt: guys judging the looks of guys.(gay guys)
fucking homos
these girls are adorable
too bad their music is the polar opposite
wait a second
i feel like i've heard shitty music like this before
and i listen to japanese indie shit
...why doesn't this shit exist in japan they'd be huge, christr
idk, I'm just not a very funny person
Unfortunately a I remember hearing brokencyde for the first....Never thought our generation of music could get any more shit, but I was wrong.
I just try to forget that kind of scene exists to control my temper over how annoying they are.
I don't get why people are hating on the 80's, that was probably one of the best eras of pop (popular) & underground music history.
Also, Animal Collective are rad. If I have to be labeled as a hipster for listening to them the screw it, i'm down for that