looking back through my computer i found the biggest sprite sheetsheet ive ever done and i thought it'll fit in here
to see more of my work just remove the /scarb.bmp

note some of the sprites there belong to triblox I only modded them
(modded, phantom, hunter,scorpian and vehichles)
1: Don't save it as a Bitmap. The file size is ridiculously huge, so it takes a long time to load up. Also, the site admins won't put it up if it's a Bitmap.
2: These sprites... aren't the best to be honest. I'd show them in Sprite Discussion first and get help on how to make them better before submitting them.
the lineart is good but the shading and color choice is meh at best.
The color on the AA wraith is a bit too red, go for a more purple hue.
The color on the scorpion is too bright brown, go for a dirty/darker one.
The shading is very much off.
Also; with large sprites with moving pieces like that; it would be more sensible to just has the pieces; and a single constructed sprite to show how it's put together. Like this:
That way you don't have a GIANT sheet full of poses that might not even be used.
Moved to Sprite Discussion.
1st the colours are from the triblox NRE

2nd all the poses are for walking really so i cant get rid of a few

also currently i am revamping the top of the body of the scarab

i dont care where the colors came from, i'm trying to give you advice ;/
and by parts he means separate the legs from the base and just put the rotations of the legs so people can paste/move them as they want.
lineart's very jagged, and it's in need of a *lot* of cleaning up
I'm curious where you got the AA-Wraiths, though
there's a definite quality gap between them and the entire sheet itself :.
ok bit off topic my post got cloned anyhow
if you read the credit above the bonus box it mentions they came from the original Triblox wraith parts which is y they be a different quality and anywho the body be almost redone hopefully when its finished itll match the rest of the body (especially the 2 heads) alot better
also thnx 4 pointing out the jaged lining i didnt really notice thatch i left that jagged chunk
(good it didnt clone)