Here you go. The poll will tell me if I should continue to sprite. Head to page two to veiw them.
Cool, invisible sprites.
There is a quick guide
here (ok, maybe not so quick) teaching how to upload and post images. Check it out ;p
I even suck at uploading! my psp is not working right!
That certainly explains a lot. I really can't help you here then. Maybe you should try posting it using a computer
(04-07-2010, 02:26 AM)Ultimecia Wrote: [ -> ]That certainly explains a lot. I really can't help you here then. Maybe you should try posting it using a computer
At least this proves I am not such an incompentent B****** after all. I hope...
Well, everyone makes mistakes at first. I have a friend that did (and published) one entire webpage using only his Dreamcast back in the day (today he got a computer, so it's much easier for him).
I'll be waiting to check on them
protip: everyone willl always click "no" on polls. never use them again if you want to be taken seriusly.
(04-07-2010, 02:40 AM)LanceKnight Wrote: [ -> ]B******
Also, you're not going to get banned if you say Bitch.
also, if you don't have any confidence in yourself, nobody is going to take you seriously.
Fishing for compassion is never a good idea, and saying "I'm not very good" is not a free ticket to justify ignorance and poor planning either.
(04-07-2010, 10:52 AM)Maneko Wrote: [ -> ]Fishing for compassion is never a good idea, and saying "I'm not very good" is not a free ticket to justify ignorance and poor planning either.
I know that! I just thought that my pictures were not that good. Oh yeah, here you go. I am glad that people tell me things like that, otherwise I would just be down there with those nerds.

Pretty nice, but not even close to bwdyeti. try learning from his stuff.

I hindsight, I don't know why they have purple swords, daggers, ect.

Try don't use the forum attachments at this forum, it's one of the rules.
Other than that, they look pretty simple edits but they aren't half bad