Sprite duel, XG66 vs Lilgrim vs Metaru
Theme: "SHMUP" ship
Rules: Must be custom. Must be from a top-down perspective. No bigger than 64x64. Must use no more than 16 colors. 2-6 frames of animation.
Deadline: April 15th
save your finished entries for the last day, we'll hold an anonymous poll then.
Too inactive as I recall.
You know, no one finishing it.
That sucks.. Anyone want to try a sprite duel?
Sprite duels suck...they are just ego-pushing and are very bad if you plan to get into the industry...maybe it's good for people who just think it's funny

but there arnt many that think so

srs bsnz
What exactly about practicing and competititvely learning is bad?
sprite duel me. someone set a non-retarded topic.
that or you set me a topic then i'll set you one
I am resurrecting from the grave of inactive members...
to challenge XGamer66.(...after Metaru?)
What do you say? Like old times? :v
Talking to me or x gamer?
But yeah, I agree. Competing all those times with XGamer here is actually one of the reasons I became a good spriter. I learned through motivating myself into winning, but learned even more by losing. I used to have the whole "Sprite Duel Stats" thing that had like 7 wins and 1 loss or something, but I wasn't flying an ego, I just really loved doing it and the better members would never battle me unless they felt I needed to be shut up.
Competing with your art is the funnest/most beneficial thing a person can do.
(04-08-2010, 03:48 PM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]But yeah, I agree. Competing all those times with XGamer here is actually one of the reasons I became a good spriter. I learned through motivating myself into winning, but learned even more by losing. I used to have the whole "Sprite Duel Stats" thing that had like 7 wins and 1 loss or something, but I wasn't flying an ego, I just really loved doing it and the better members would never battle me unless they felt I needed to be shut up.
Competing with your art is the funnest/most beneficial thing a person can do.
This. Like, I was flying around on my ego (when I was astill super shit)
untill I started joined sprite duels. The sprite duels smartened me the fuck up and helped me to become a better spriter.
I usually find myself putting more effort in a competition. Plus I love seeing what my opponent(s) do differently with the same boundaries.
(04-08-2010, 03:31 PM)LilGrim1991 Wrote: [ -> ]I am resurrecting from the grave of inactive members...
to challenge XGamer66.(...after Metaru?)
What do you say? Like old times? :v
Dude, sup LG! Feels like eons since we last dueled, haha. Hell yeah, couldn't ask for a better opponent. ;D
(04-08-2010, 10:05 AM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]nothing.
sprite duel me. someone set a non-retarded topic.
that or you set me a topic then i'll set you one
Why not have a 3-way duel? I have no ideas for a theme though.
Best SHMUP ship wins
>must be a proper top down sprite, no edits, anything that could be used/seen in a game.
>size 64x64px.
>2~6 frames
>max 16 colors.
Deadline: April 15th
no wips, i'll ask someone to recieve the sprites and then make a thread with a poll, so people can decide wich one they prefer(just to avoid people voting for a particular name instead of a sprite)
if you agree rename the thread as Sprite Arena
Sounds good to me! Good luck you two.
I wanna join the next sprite duel thingy.