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Full Version: All gone. Winners: Please read the new OP
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If you're on the list, PM me when you are available. Then I can trade a Porygon2 for you.

Look what I got. =3

[Image: 27xldth.png]
Ability: Trace
Level: 30
Nature: Bold
EVs: Untrained
IVs: 31hp/9atk/31def/31spatk/31spdef/30speed

The first five people who post their FCs in this topic get copies of this pokemon. Optional: add a personal nickname along with the required FC.

My Platinum FC: 1634 6487 5361

1. Keychain 0947-4859-4848
2. SengirDev 0646 8072 4305
3. [robo9] 5285 3852 2911
4. Zac 2837 2294 3219
5. Ditto 1086 4805 9368

Don't get posting because they're gone!
ill take one, cant be bothered to get my friend code atm but ill get back to ya

I'll take one
Enjoy your Weedle ahaha.

Got any Aipoms while we're at it? :[
(04-10-2010, 01:16 AM)Keychain Wrote: [ -> ]Enjoy your Weedle ahaha.

Got any Aipoms while we're at it? :[

Nope. D=
I'll take one.

FC: 0646 8072 4305
robo9 5285 3852 2911
id love one Cute
Zac - Soul Silver 2837 2294 3219
(thank god for battle and trade topic)
Drew -1086 4805 9368
taking one

Got any spinaraks by the way?
Alright, the list is full. =3

I have all of you registered in my Pal pad. Please PM me when you're ready to trade.