Well, I don't post sprites here much too often anymore (because I don't sprite much too often anymore...), but recently, I decided to sprite something.
But I need some pointers on some improvements to make.
It's Momizi from the Touhou series, if you're wondering.
Anyway, I need some pose C+C, because the pose looks kind of awkward to me.
![[Image: tempcv.png]](http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/1150/tempcv.png)
I just changed the sword and shield, but I think I have to redo it all again, because what I have is too hard to animate...
...And really has a bad pose...
Well, the only think I can say is:
Make darker shades around the parts where her skin is, the white kinda blends and camouflages with the skin.
V2= Here sandal's heels should bend that way, make them more like V1.
Its excellent in my opinion though.
IMO she is leaning forward tooo much. It's like she's peeking at something. Anyway, I have no idea why her sandals have only 1 heel. It looks like those japanese sandals that have 2 heels (think Jiraiya/Bomberman). You can't balance on 1 heel sandals + the fact that she's leaning forward. Maybe you could shade the sword like how you did V1. I'm liking her color scheme BTW. Good job.

I don't know much about the character so I might be completely wrong, but shouldn't her sandals have two of the little "blocks" on the bottom rather than just one in the middle?
It seems like she'd be terribly off balance without them.
And about her colours
I would have some darker shades of said colour going outside along with the black outline.
i wont use black outlines, at all.
Yeah, she really is leaning forward a bit too much. And you can prolly do better without the black outlines. The tail... it would be a good idea to relax it backward a bit more, especially when/if you lean her more upright, cause it looks like she's alarmed by something. The ears look a bit too floppy. Or bent. Or something. She's a wolf tengu, and wolf ears aren't floppy.
@ViperShark: he has the shoes right. probably. While there aren't many clear references of this particular character, a similar character exists that wears sandals like that. Besides, I'm pretty sure tengu normally wear those kind of sandals.