I stumbled upon this site and had to do a double-take. I tried googling to see if it was real, then I noticed the copyright tag at the bottom of the page. The site is very, very well made and looks so professional -- it's almost hard to believe it's all fictional.
Huffman Island Sightseeing Association
Cafe de Huffman ftw
![[Image: pic97.jpg]](http://www.tenmou.net/forum/huffman-sa/sight/pic97.jpg)
I don't get it. What is this topic.
it's the island from front mission
It's a tourism site for Huffman Island. Like he said, it's from Front Mission. Any true fan of Square(soft) would have known that. For those of you that aren't fans of Square(soft), you should check out the Front Mission series. The series is fairly deep, and unlike Final Fantasy all the games are related.
But yeah, it's just a fictitious fan site for Front Mission, basically.
dont get it dont got it dont give a fuck
(04-12-2010, 12:59 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, okay.
Not that i've ever heard off it before it just takes me 2 seconds to google it.
Change your name back man i keep thinking you're someone else
(04-12-2010, 01:08 AM)TheouAegis Wrote: [ -> ]Any true fan of Square(soft) would have known that.
Laughed at this
don't know why
Also Square(soft) hasn't been Square(soft) since like 20(03).
Man gun hazard is like the best action game the snes can offer.
to bad i don't give a shit about silly details like that
kingdom hearts two the epitome of gaming