This time Nintendo don't make the next "He's gotta be in it!" Character don't make him a weak throwback.
That's only if it's true. I'm calling bullshit for now though.
less clones
more characters.
more mr game and watch
super smash bros: kick dick
(04-15-2010, 12:54 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]less rob
more roy
Less ROB in general is good enough for me.
Also, this might seem pretty out there but I've wanted Andy from Advance Wars as a Smash Bros. character since Brawl was announced.

(04-14-2010, 07:49 PM)oB2Ko Mario Wrote: [ -> ]they better fucking have Simon Belmont in it
on a more probable note, I'd like a Mother character that isn't a clone of Ness (who stole all of Paula's moves anyway).
Jeff, please??
half of this game will be people asking for third party characters.
they'll probably include more than one in certain third-party series, and more third-party series, since the whole 'opening up to other companies' deal worked out so well.
maybe they'll open their brackets from four characters from a series (or eight, in marios case) to five or six, but that wont go down as well, i dont think. That's why Geno most likely wont be in the next game. I mean, people like to play with all four of one series in one match. Personally, I like the idea of having more than four in a series in Smash, cause you get more choice (come on, Jigglypuff? we like to kick the asses of hard-core Pokemon. Mewtwo, Lucario, Pikachu. Not Jigglypuff)
also, im hoping they get rid of the crap characters that even addicts hate (*cough Olimar *cough Ice Climbers *cough etc *cough)
(04-15-2010, 03:05 PM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: [ -> ]they'll probably include more than one in certain third-party series, and more third-party series, since the whole 'opening up to other companies' deal worked out so well.
maybe they'll open their brackets from four characters from a series (or eight, in marios case) to five or six, but that wont go down as well, i dont think. That's why Geno most likely wont be in the next game. I mean, people like to play with all four of one series in one match. Personally, I like the idea of having more than four in a series in Smash, cause you get more choice (come on, Jigglypuff? we like to kick the asses of hard-core Pokemon. Mewtwo, Lucario, Pikachu. Not Jigglypuff)
also, im hoping they get rid of the crap characters that even addicts hate (*cough Olimar *cough Ice Climbers *cough etc *cough)
Olimar is awesome, though.

aurapig are you kidding me
the ice climbers are BEAST if you can use them correctly
they're way high in the tier lists
I'm good with Olimar. You just have to know how to use him right, but that's why a lot of people think of him as "useless".
Oh Christ, another one of these topics.
Also, Super Smash Bros: Kerfuffle
(04-14-2010, 08:23 PM)oB2Ko Mario Wrote: [ -> ] (04-14-2010, 07:49 PM)Ditto Wrote: [ -> ]As long as sakurai gives more love to the series that hardly had any characters (third parties aside) then I could care less what new characters get in.
Except I want him to ditch lucario and bring back mewtwo (Fuck the furry fan base)
I guarantee that they'll remove lucario
and add in zoroark
I wouldn't mind zoroark being in as long as he isn't as badly over-hyped as lucario was.
But i'd personally would prefer Mewtwo because of the fact that he serves as two things in one for the whole pokemon series, As a villain and As one of the legendaries.
(04-15-2010, 12:54 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]more roy
We have Ike and Roy likes boys
Besides the only reason why he was in melee was merely for advertising purposes for FE:FnT
(04-15-2010, 03:05 PM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: [ -> ]also, im hoping they get rid of the crap characters that even addicts hate (*cough Olimar *cough Ice Climbers *cough etc *cough)
youre a distinguished gentleman and i hate you
anyone who says geno, pacman or roy should be in deserve a slow and painful death
(04-14-2010, 03:49 PM)Keychain Wrote: [ -> ]Well what else could they name it?
isnt it like
already called that
great fray smash brothers x or some shit in japan