(12-14-2010, 07:57 PM)Negative-Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ] (12-14-2010, 07:05 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Uhhhh why is that?
Devs thinks that he has nothing to offer to the game. It is on the front page on SRK. He has been DISCONFIRMED.
hahahahahaha what
how did you even believe that?
I heard Megaman's being replaced with a She-Hulk clone.
... but seriously, if freaking Arthur could be in this, there's no way they'd abandon Megaman in some way.
(12-14-2010, 11:29 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]I heard Megaman's being replaced with a She-Hulk clone.
... but seriously, if freaking Arthur could be in this, there's no way they'd abandon Megaman in some way.
Money on that?
Capcom's mascot and main character.
If they don't include him, they're retarded.
You know what would be awesome? If the final boss of the game was fighting a team of Megaman, Megaman X, and Megaman EXE. How about THEM apples?
that would be a weird boss. i'm hoping for a full size galactus myself. or a non-shitty thanos.
I'm hoping for Mickey Mouse as the final boss. He'll eat the souls of the fighters if you lose to him.
sounds random lol, i like it.

(12-15-2010, 01:42 AM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Megaman.
Capcom's mascot and main character.
If they don't include him, they're retarded.
Lol you don't know capcom
You know, it might sound like trolling, but I think Capcom IS retarded. Meaning, it could pretty much be possible that the leak is true, that the final roster IS final. Aside from DLC that is.
(12-15-2010, 06:10 PM)GaryCXJk Wrote: [ -> ]You know, it might sound like trolling, but I think Capcom IS retarded. Meaning, it could pretty much be possible that the leak is true, that the final roster IS final. Aside from DLC that is.
Lol, i have been around the street fighter community long enough to know the shit that capcom pulls. The simplest of decisions can't be made by capcom.
Tron Bonne's in this, right?
How could they include her and not Megaman?
Not that I'd play as Megaman anyway, but this is pretty hard to believe.
(12-15-2010, 08:38 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]Wait
Tron Bonne's in this, right?
How could they include her and not Megaman?
Not that I'd play as Megaman anyway, but this is pretty hard to believe.
Cause its capcom and marvel. They don't make very good decisions when it comes to games.
but, th-they've already said megaman fans just have to wait a little bit longer!
Episode 3:
This video made me so happy you guys. So happy.