got it today, earlier than expected. so freaking fun, yet a lot of crap happens on screen

tried it with X-23, Ryu and Chris. hate to see how online multiplayer goes.
i like the comic that came with my preorder, though i wish Udon did the artwork.
the Capcom characters don't look right in Marvel's style
ffffffffffff my friend's getting this soon
I don't even know if I'll play online because I suck at fighting games.
Why do I keep playing them I am terrible
I miss blazblue
so this game's actually pretty easy to pick up, i thought i'd never get ahold of what was going on and now i think i'm doing well for myself!
also i'm really diggin chris/spencer/hulk and x-23/akuma/wesker right now
also take sentinel out of the game, he does not need to be there
Arthur's movement is slow as fuck and he has no dash
His Hyper Combo is a passive/effect one which appears to make him stronger or take less damage yet he still has zero mobility
never using him again
(02-16-2011, 03:53 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]Arthur's movement is slow as fuck and he has no dash
His Hyper Combo is a passive/effect one which appears to make him stronger or take less damage yet he still has zero mobility
never using him again
Your doing it wrong.
arthur is this game's megaman.
in other words, I'm a rushdown player
So I got 3 achievements in one fight last night.
I somehow ended up in a glitch involving an assist character.
I was Chun-Li and was fighting Super-Skrull, and he called Akuma out for an assist. Akuma attacked (and missed) and then I pulled off a lightling kick. Just as Akuma was leaving the screen, the lightning kick connected and I started hitting him and racking up hits on a combo. The AI must have shat itself or something because Super Skrull just stood there as I continually laid into Akuma.
Anyway, Chun-Li somehow turned around mid-attack, yet the lightning kick was still hitting Akuma from behind Chun-Li. She slid to the left, but since Akuma was behind her, he followed and was unable to break out of the combo even ater chun-li hit the screen limit. This went on until Akuma's health fully depleted, at which point he became invincible and the combo ended, so he finally left the screen. As I said before, Super Skrull just stood there while this was going on and didn't start moving again until the combo was over. He happened to tag to Akuma right after, and I was able to one hit him since he had no health left.
Oh, and did I mention that I got a 170-something hit combo? I was doing lightning kicks for like 30 seconds straight and depleted Akuma's entire lifebar. I was going to record it, but juust as I was going to pause to reach for the camera, Akuma ran out of health.
Anyway, I got 3 achievements (the combo-related ones and something else) out of it.
Why does online suck so much ass? Does Japan care about America at all, even with games directed towards our crowd?
i've been told zero is basically the king of air juggle.
with those things on his chest and that hair i'd say he's the queen of air juggle
which changes the whole meaning
i still haven't been able to get into a game online yet
every time i try it, live crashes and it dumps me out to the main menu
kind of likin' online play but mostly everyone blows and keeps picking the same dante and zero, so i can't like it too much
I also played an Akuma/Ryu/Spiderman team and the person proceeded to play the game as if it were SF2, lol. I destroyed him as I robotically comboed him over and over with my X-23/Spiderman/Morrigan
Somehow whenever I'm losing the button setup and gameplay keeps confusing me and I'm thinking I'm playing Blazblue, so I end up mashing the SP button thinking I'll be able to call out Ada or something wtf
That and also the multi-party air combo keeps confusing me; I can't seem to time it right as muscle memory has me hammering out the whole air combo and almost no opportunity to sub-in >:
I end up playing 50% cheesers, 50% people with legitimate skill.
I should mention that 80% of that 50% of cheesers have Sentinel in their team somewhere.
No really, fuck Sentinel. Not fun. Not fun at all.