I've double checked yours
be sure to for mine too.
I see you in there
can you see me?
Crap, just logged it out, xD
Loggin back in...
Kay, robo, what's your FC and name?
EDIT: I'm gonna try hosting this time. See how it turns out.

Latias plz?
Tonberry2k - Heart Gold 2708 4035 0692
And if nobody claims it, I'll take that Latios too, haha.
KK, Adding you now.
Lemme get those pokemon in my party
I have to delete their FLY ability, So lemme take care of that.
It won't let you trade with an HM? That's weird.
Last I recall, yeah, or was that migrating? I don't remember, well anyways, I'm online waiting.
Could I have Kyogre and Regigigas pleeease?

Of Course, Just wait a minute or two to finish my trade with Tonberry.
Hmm, I've been on this whole time. Why does Wifi hate me so?
Enter my name as Sharl just to be safe, that's what I named my guy. It might help when trying to find each other.
Also my SoulSilver code is 2407 7371 5893
(04-07-2010, 11:47 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, I've been on this whole time. Why does Wifi hate me so?
Well, You are downstairs of the pokemon center right? As far as I know that's where you go to wifi trade.
@TomGuyCott, I'll add you asap, no worries.
Yeah, I am. A lot of people around here have been having wifi problems. It might just be a coincidence, but...
Maybe try my Pearl code and see if that works?