Doesn't matter, I'll probably end up breeding it myself :B
Well, it hatched Female, so you might need a Male Scyther/Scizor with Night Slash to breed one with Night Slash...
Edit: Online now
Well, if it's ALREADY got Night Slash, couldn't I just breed it with Ditto to get it to keep Night Slash, since the female parent has Night Slash?
Or am I approaching this all wrong?
Actually, you might be right
i can't find the Celebi on the GTS though, I set it to Celebi, Lv. 61 to 70, and the United States, but it says none found...maybe someone swiped it already?
Keep searching, it should be there. Just try searching Celebi -> All.
Either that, or put Skorupi up for trade and I'll see if I can snag it.
Well, it's not showing up, so I'll put Skorupi up for trade
It should say:
SKORUPI (F) Level 1
OT Josh
OT'S LOCATION United States of America, Pennsylvania
Ugh, for some reason it won't let me trade Celebi. : |
Change Celebi to Zubat or something like that and I'll trade you that.
(Your Skorupi actually showed up, it just won't let me trade Celebi through the GTS)
Ton, your Togepi is pretty much ready. Once you're on let me know when to send it over. I'll need a minute or two to infect it with Pokerus beforehand though.
Female shiny Togepi, quiet nature, and has Psycho Shift, Lucky Chant, Future Sight and Wish. :>
Alright, I swapped it to Zubat, Lv. 9 & Under, it should be up in a minute
It's up
I don't suppose anyone has a salac berry, would they?
I've got like, Ganlon, Rowap and Enigma berries in exchange
(04-28-2010, 07:08 PM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]Alright, I swapped it to Zubat, Lv. 9 & Under, it should be up in a minute
Getting it now! Props. <:
(04-28-2010, 06:50 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Well, if it's ALREADY got Night Slash, couldn't I just breed it with Ditto to get it to keep Night Slash, since the female parent has Night Slash?
Or am I approaching this all wrong?
tell me if this works. could be the cure to my male extremespeed dratini. O:
Ton you weenie :E
Shedinja proof your team mang

Devicho, shoot me a PM when you're on.