(04-28-2010, 08:51 PM)Rhymey Wrote: [ -> ] (04-28-2010, 06:50 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Well, if it's ALREADY got Night Slash, couldn't I just breed it with Ditto to get it to keep Night Slash, since the female parent has Night Slash?
Or am I approaching this all wrong?
tell me if this works. could be the cure to my male extremespeed dratini. O:
nope, my skorupi hatched female with a starter moveset : (
and my skorupi i put in the daycare lost night slash i want to die
My name is heart scale and I fix all of life's miseries.
Also only males pass on the egg moves. They absolutely have to be male, there is no other way :X. Females pass on natures when holding everstone.
Egg moves can be remembered through the Move Rememberer? I thought it was only "natural" moves and that's it. No egg moves, no TMs, no move tutor moves...
If the Pokemon knew the move, the Heart Scale tutor person will allow them to remember it. It has to have known it before for it to work. For example, your new starter move-set Scorupi won't be able to get Night Slash, but the Parent that had it will.
How can you guarantee that an ability is inherited? Is there any way?
I think the only way to guarantee it is through RNG abuse. Otherwise, you have to get lucky.
Well, I just went to the Move Rememberer (with the parent Skorupi), and Night Slash isn't anywhere in the list. ):
Yeah, if it isn't a move that the Pokemon can learn via level up, you can't get it back.
It's ruined my chain breeding before. :<
I could have sworn that was supposed to work ) :
Sorry about that. Why does that not work? It seems like it would make a lot of sense since they actually knew the move.
If you guys want (so you can avoid this in the future), I can level up the Pokemon to level one hundred with the egg move so you don't get screwed over when trying to breed.
I can't actually connect to anybody except Morgan. I had to get my Skorupi from Josh via the GTS :I
I always thought that would work too, but then the Daycare Center got rid of Extremespeed on my Dratini, and well, the rest is kind of self-explanatory from there...
@ Tyvon: If you have a Male Scyther/Scizor, you could just level it to 45, teach it Night Slash, and breed with the Female Skorupi, that's actually how I got the Egg with it to begin with...
Or Corphish at Lv 35,
Kricketune at Lv 42,
Yanmega through the Heart Scale,
Gliscor at Lv 31,
and/or the worst choice of all (Because of how high you have to Level it) Kabutops at Lv 72...
If you don't have a Scyther, the Bug Catching Contest starts at Midnight...I do have a Few Scyther, if you want to do the GTS thing again, if not, you might be stuck hunting for some bugs...
I'm trading Dragon Dance Corphishes if anyone wants them.
(04-30-2010, 03:37 PM)Vanilla Ice Wrote: [ -> ]http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ga...ent_in_May
If this is true would I be able to borrow/trade for somebody's? >.<"
Sure you can borrow mine

If this is true, I'm actually hoping this is true.
EDIT: Also Robrunt, I'll take one, what do you want for it?
(04-30-2010, 08:48 PM)G-man Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT: Also Robrunt, I'll take one, what do you want for it?
pft i don't give a shit what you give me.