Yeah, I can do it now. What's your FC, man?
Soul Silver - Butch - 5371 2925 2188
You wanna do it first or?
I'm waiting in the Wi-Fi Club right now. You can seek the trade, if it doesn't work, then I'll seek it, and if that doesn't work, then we're out of luck!

I'm not at all sure what I'm doing it says you want to join me and then nothing happens and it says it failed...
Okay so do you wanna get Rayquazza first or?
communication error?

Yeah, my Wi-Fi apparently has only responded with a few people, although it may be the other person's connection...

Aw, so no trading for us?

Who wants to give me an Electirizer? <:
(My WiFi problem should be solved now... hopefully!)
@Tyvon I do actually, but you gotta fight me for it first

tyvon, if you can trade with me then I'll give you one for free
I just got magmarizer, can somebody help me evolve my magmar please?!?!
(05-16-2010, 02:04 PM)EdpR Wrote: [ -> ]I just got magmarizer, can somebody help me evolve my magmar please?!?!
if you can help me evolve my magmar with my magmarizer it's a deal, I have a few pokemon I need to trade evolve to and you and me have the same pokemon.
-battle some random guy from serebii
-6 on 6 regular
-his team: swampert, scizor, zapdos, tyranitar, shaymin, duskinoir
-my team: hariyama, slaking, muk, ambipom, crobat, tangrowth
-he uses shit like stealth rock and bullet punch
-doesnt really affect me
-tyranitar gets OHKO'd by ambipom
-sandstorm ends up screwing him over since half his shit has leftovers
-get all the way to tangrowth vs duskinoir
-i win
-he disconnects as soon as duskinoir dies to prevent a loss on his trainer card
-my face: B)
Would anyone happen to have either a Calm Tentacool or a Calm Ditto?
in return I can give Night Slash Skorupis or Cross Chop Croagunks
anyone wanna battle?
fc in first post