I have a question, I'm trying to teach my smeargle fly, so I'm trying to just trainer seek in platinum for double battles. But when I come across them and they show they'd like to fight again, they don't double up, they come at me one at a time.
Any help here?
Looks like you can't do anything about it... I'm not 100% sure, I'll try it out.
have you tried to fight the walking duo right below Solaceon town? As long as you talk to the leading person, you'll end up in a double battle I think.
Looking for:
Castform ♂ - Any Level - Any Nature
Seviper ♂ - Any level - Any Nature
What I have to trade:
Cyndaquil ♂ - Lv 1 - Timid - Leer, Fury Swipes, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel
Cyndaquil ♂ - Lv 1 - Jolly - Leer, Fury Swipes, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel
Cyndaquil ♀ - Lv 1 - Modest - Leer, Fury Swipes, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel
Smeargle ♀ - Lv 1 - Quiet - Sketch
Smeargle ♂ - Lv 1 - Timid - Sketch
Turtwig ♀ - Lv 1 - Bashful - Tackle, Superpower
Pachirisu ♂ - Lv 1 - Lonely - Growl, Bide, Bite
Moves in bold are egg moves.
Looking For: Any shiny except Gyarados & Pichu for obvious reasons.
In Exchange For: A level 12 Drowzee with PokéRUS.
No hacked Pokémon.
Norsk I have a several castform I can trade you, i may have a seviper i have to check.
Im just looking for a pokemon holding TM81(X Scissor)
That'd be awesome. Any Pokemon in particular that you want?
A shroomish would be cool, but all i need is tm81(x scissors), so the pokemon wouldnt matter
I'll breed you a shroomish, idk if I have tm81. I'll have to check.
I now have several Charmander, Rotom, Duskull, and FAAAAAR more Magbies than I remember getting eggs for. Anyone want any? PM me for trade info.
I could use a Duskull. Have any adamant?

I am willing to trade 1st-3rd gen Fire starter eggs for 1st-3rd gen Water/Grass starters once I get farther in the game.
I'm also willing to give away Zangoose eggs for anybody who wants them.
(03-26-2010, 10:21 AM)SengirDev Wrote: [ -> ]What I have to trade:
Cyndaquil ♂ - Lv 1 - Timid - Leer, Fury Swipes, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel
Cyndaquil ♂ - Lv 1 - Jolly - Leer, Fury Swipes, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel
what are the ivs of these?
Anyone got a timid Ditto to trade?