Not officially.
Great game though man. That other team is far from done, but it definitely needs tweaking.
are you going at battle again ton?
I dunno, that boot kind of pissed me off. I'll give it another go if you're willing, hah.
more than willing
I wasn't surprised though it was going really slow
Yeah, it was. I was like "Pleasedontfuckup. Pleasedontfuckup."
Maaaaan. Pokemon has it out for me.
aw man, I really thought I was going to sweep with electivire
I guess the game doesn't completely hate you
I'm really glad you didn't. That game was closer. I wish we could have finished it.
(03-31-2010, 06:41 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]I am willing to trade 1st-3rd gen Fire starter eggs for 1st-3rd gen Water/Grass starters once I get farther in the game.
I'm also willing to give away Zangoose eggs for anybody who wants them.
Tyvon I have all the starters, I'll take a Zangoose egg
i need awater stone :- ( but i DO NOT want to play pokeathelon and wait til monday to get it (im only e4 btw but yes i know about showing starmie to bill gpa, just cant get there)
Anyone have a Kangaskhan, Dunsparce, or Torchic? Ton traded me Phanpy/Donphan
I don't have much to trade except for:
a few Pichu (Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, & Hidden Power were passed on to them)
a bunch of Cyndaquil (Has the Egg move Extrasensory)
an Extra Totodile
and some Charmander
...With the exception of the Totodile, They should all have 31 IVs in Sp. Attack & Speed
Edit: Since I have three Friend Codes up, this is for Soul Silver
I'm available for battle. =3
Platinum FC: 1634 6487 5361
I think you forgot to mention which game you own.
It doesn't matter really. Any 4th gen pokemon game can safely wifi battle/trade with any other 4th gen game. My FC is for Platinum.
The game input is more or less so people can get an idea what pokes you have in case they want to directly ask you for something. It's just for convenience sake, y'see.