just listened to telephone. peace.
Lady Gaga is one of my favorite Artists. And she's pretty good looking.
song is good until beyonce is on the screen
window closed
Totally true, I just fastfoward through that part.
I'm going to agree. I also think Telephone wasn't bad.
not really a fan but that's just because it sounds kinda dumb to me!!! i mean telephone is catchy but i don't like hearing it a couple times a day
One of my friend actually can't listen to lady gaga but I do have to say that her music isn't too bad.
She isn't special, she just use stuff that people already had, but instead made it bigger.
Quote:One of my friend actually can't listen to lady gaga
are they deaf???
Quote:She isn't special, she just use stuff that people already had, but instead made it bigger.
this doesn't even make sense
Quote:also she's got no ass
no but she has legs

she's kind of okay compared to like, other pop music acts or other mainstream music (i.e. lil wayne, kesha, hannah montana, etc.) i guess but i mean on an objective scale she's not really good at all or noteworthy at all imo
(04-19-2010, 09:00 PM)DrSlouch Wrote: [ -> ]she's kind of okay compared to like, other pop music acts or other mainstream music (i.e. lil wayne, kesha, hannah montana, etc.) i guess but i mean on an objective scale she's not really good at all or noteworthy at all imo
bet if she cut an acoustic album youd change your mind

as a friend of dr.slouchs
i am laughing at that post
(04-19-2010, 08:57 PM)Gizmonicgamer Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:One of my friend actually can't listen to lady gaga
are they deaf???
No, she claims to hear this odd tone in the background of all her songs and it really bothers her, like really really super duper bothers her.