Hi , i have tilesets from Heart Gold and Soul Silver for you .

I'm french , so i don't very good speak english .
Picture is down

I dont have icon for this --'
If another one have other tilesets (from Heart Gold and Soul Silver) post it here !
No credit needed , just don't claim it .
Very nice.
Although you may want to upload it to a image hosting site and not in an attachment.
And possibly put the credits on the sheet itself.
One problem I have is that a lot of those seem to be areas that are animated. Is this data that is exclusively still, or did you just take a freeze-frame of animated parts, like the Pokemart?
that are pics of objects, tiles have all the same dimension and are therefore that you can puzzle it. i even cannot split your posted pic in its puzzles by a given dimension.
[1] Why is the Set resized?
[2] I believe this is a RPGXP-Tileset(256 width, x*32 height), that would explain [1].
[3] Would mean, it's not tSR-ready, is it?
Yeah, excluding the fact that it's too thin , this is a great rip!
Hate to single you out, but alot of these are customs/edits from dA.
I could give proof, if you'd like.
(09-27-2010, 07:11 PM)Kumorii Wrote: [ -> ]Hate to single you out, but alot of these are customs/edits from dA.
I could give proof, if you'd like.
Please do.
please also post the indoor tiles
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