04-23-2010, 10:06 PM
Yes, as the title suggests, this is a lecture. But no, I'm not a noob. I've been surveying this Smash Bros. Project for a very long time now, and I've finally decided to speak up. Just because I have less posts than you guys, doesn't mean I'm any less of a person, so please, refrain from any Anti-noob comments, alright? Don't just exit the page, either. Please, hear what I have to say.
Now you probably already guessed that this lecture is going to be in regards to progress. I'm not going to be all like "MAN YOU GUYS ARE SO SLOW HURRY UP NAO PLZ". I want to go through the way you guys... well... criticise other sprites.
I'm going along looking at all these fabulous standalone sprites... and all but... what? 3 of them have actually had any progress other than that? I've also found during my observation that it isn't necessarily because the spriters are lazy. It's because other people are too busy picking out pointless and insignificant little things in the sprite, which result in the spriter having to re-do it all over again. This very thing has been going on since the dawn of this Smash Bros. Project, and because of it, your progress has been very little.
You're going on about how we must finish Sukapon, so that Runouw can actually work on his engine and all, but even that hasn't gotten far at all! You may have like... close to everyone on the board working on that very character, but you've got all these other users criticizing like little Hitlers in the background! A sprite will never be 100% perfect, OK? Stop acting as though the ones here have to be. If those of you whom are actually pin-pointing these little things like "shading looking wrong" (when it actually looks perfectly fine) stopped for example, hell, maybe we would've gotten more than one or two characters with actual animations. Maybe then Runouw could actually work on the engine.
I see a perfectly wonderful sprite, and apparently the colour of the shoes is a bit off. To me, and to a number of reference pictures, it actually looks perfectly normal. Then the spriter re-posts the sprite with edits, and he gets even more criticism. And this procedure repeats for... what has it been? How many years again?
Is it ego? Do some of you feel the need to post pointless criticism because you want to sound better than the guy spriting, aye? I seriously hope not, because that's just sad.
I'm not the only one who thinks this, just keep that in mind. Hell, I reckon Runouw would be pretty damn sick of what you guys deem "progress" sometimes (EDIT: That wasn't supposed to sound rude.
). You guys seemed to think before that the reason the progress was so little was because of the sprite style. Honestly, it wasn't. To me, this style is harder, and I've got a lot of reasons as to why (which I won't go into detail with). The style had little to do with it; it was the attitude of some people here that held others back. I bet a million dollars that because of your harsh and blatantly pointless criticisms, many a spriter has decided against posting in this thread. Why would they want to be in a community that seems to so willingly reject wonderful works? And why should they?
Heed these words, coming from a "noob" or not. I's assume you've had lectures like these before, or at least people coming along and saying similar things in shorter instances. Don't ignore it, otherwise we won't be seeing the completion of this project for another ten years. If of course it isn't dumped, because of the very reason that some people just aren't allowing the project to move on.
So to a number of you, I say: Let it go and lighten up. Yes, I say lighten up because I've noticed a few of you are just blatantly rude at times.
And one more thing: That guy with the avatar of the naked Asian chick... I honestly can't stand looking at that. Not because I'm "Gay" or anything. Just because it gives me the mindset that you're a... I hate to say this.... but a massive Geek. (EDIT: Seriously, this was intended to in no way be offensive. I sound like a massive jerk here, I'm aware of that. I just personally dislike things like that on community forums, if you know what I mean. Sorry to the dude with this pic as an avatar.)
Gosh, I sound like a mean old man, don't I? Well, I've just vented up all my anger on those select few Jr. Hitlers until now (EDIT: I'm not saying you're all Jr. Hitlers.
I'm just stereotyping some people here through posts I've encountered before). It feels good to voice it. 
So what do you guys have to say, I wonder? Hopefully I'll get no hate messages, but I suppose it's only to be expected.
If you're reading this and all you did was skim through this whole topic to the end, please go back and actually read it. I'm sure five minutes won't be too much of a hassle.
Now you probably already guessed that this lecture is going to be in regards to progress. I'm not going to be all like "MAN YOU GUYS ARE SO SLOW HURRY UP NAO PLZ". I want to go through the way you guys... well... criticise other sprites.
I'm going along looking at all these fabulous standalone sprites... and all but... what? 3 of them have actually had any progress other than that? I've also found during my observation that it isn't necessarily because the spriters are lazy. It's because other people are too busy picking out pointless and insignificant little things in the sprite, which result in the spriter having to re-do it all over again. This very thing has been going on since the dawn of this Smash Bros. Project, and because of it, your progress has been very little.
You're going on about how we must finish Sukapon, so that Runouw can actually work on his engine and all, but even that hasn't gotten far at all! You may have like... close to everyone on the board working on that very character, but you've got all these other users criticizing like little Hitlers in the background! A sprite will never be 100% perfect, OK? Stop acting as though the ones here have to be. If those of you whom are actually pin-pointing these little things like "shading looking wrong" (when it actually looks perfectly fine) stopped for example, hell, maybe we would've gotten more than one or two characters with actual animations. Maybe then Runouw could actually work on the engine.
I see a perfectly wonderful sprite, and apparently the colour of the shoes is a bit off. To me, and to a number of reference pictures, it actually looks perfectly normal. Then the spriter re-posts the sprite with edits, and he gets even more criticism. And this procedure repeats for... what has it been? How many years again?
Is it ego? Do some of you feel the need to post pointless criticism because you want to sound better than the guy spriting, aye? I seriously hope not, because that's just sad.
I'm not the only one who thinks this, just keep that in mind. Hell, I reckon Runouw would be pretty damn sick of what you guys deem "progress" sometimes (EDIT: That wasn't supposed to sound rude.

Heed these words, coming from a "noob" or not. I's assume you've had lectures like these before, or at least people coming along and saying similar things in shorter instances. Don't ignore it, otherwise we won't be seeing the completion of this project for another ten years. If of course it isn't dumped, because of the very reason that some people just aren't allowing the project to move on.
So to a number of you, I say: Let it go and lighten up. Yes, I say lighten up because I've noticed a few of you are just blatantly rude at times.
And one more thing: That guy with the avatar of the naked Asian chick... I honestly can't stand looking at that. Not because I'm "Gay" or anything. Just because it gives me the mindset that you're a... I hate to say this.... but a massive Geek. (EDIT: Seriously, this was intended to in no way be offensive. I sound like a massive jerk here, I'm aware of that. I just personally dislike things like that on community forums, if you know what I mean. Sorry to the dude with this pic as an avatar.)
Gosh, I sound like a mean old man, don't I? Well, I've just vented up all my anger on those select few Jr. Hitlers until now (EDIT: I'm not saying you're all Jr. Hitlers.

So what do you guys have to say, I wonder? Hopefully I'll get no hate messages, but I suppose it's only to be expected.

If you're reading this and all you did was skim through this whole topic to the end, please go back and actually read it. I'm sure five minutes won't be too much of a hassle.