Twinleaf Was A fail Redo And Trees In Lake frount Are A Big Problom And I agree Advaced Map I a Pain In the ass To deal With.
(05-08-2010, 06:31 AM)-Sooty- Wrote: [ -> ]I have advancemap but in my opinion its a pain in the frickin ass! lol
A pain in the ass? imo it is waaay easier than copy + past in paint. If you need help with a-map, then I could help. I've been using it for 2 years now. Just PM me.
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uh i've been working on a fangame and wondering if u wanna make some maps for my fangame but maps needa b really really good plz or good 2 ur best potential with my tiles i'll b showing u soon

Names of games r PokemonSeasons,and havent came up with another name lolz

but 3 games like pokemon DPT Pokeseasons = like Platnium/emerald
other 2 like HGSS or DP
here's some concepts for my game

link > < u will find some more on my Deviant art Profile

This project is entirely dead.
If the OP wants to continue it, he can PM me to unlock it.