Ok, this is my first decent-looking attempt, and I'm still working on it, but what do you all think? Not too harsh, please..
There is a diglett, an oddish, and the line-art of an ekans that I need to finish cleaning up. I personally think diglett is pretty good. but I screwed oddish up

thornmask Wrote:are these scratched??
read the topic title idiot
i did. some people have a misconcepted idea of what "custom" means.
Custom and scrathed are the same things >>
yeah, I did them myself..
ok, theyre very good i thought u had edited them from the actual sprite.
Oddish's middle leaf is ugly, it's face looks crooked, I can hardly see its eyes.
Diglett's eyes and nose are too small for its body.
Other than what PK said though, I think they look great. Really matches the style of the Pokemon games.
The Ekans isn't made by him if everyone thought that. The top Ekans is though.
Oddish's leaves need work as they have said.
Diglett needs to be skinier and his nose needs to be wider.
ok, I'll work on them when I get the chance.