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Hello, this is all my ripps I'v made/ripped ^^


New ... err it's new XD
TSR This Ripps/custom are already on TSR

Game Boy Advance

M and L Superstar saga

[Image: vignettemont.png]
[Image: vignetteuniversit.png]
[Image: vignettevalle.png]
[Image: vignetteruine.png]
[Image: vignettesalon.png]

The Legend Of Zelda : The minish Cap

[Image: mc_gleeock_icon.png] TSR
[Image: mc_minishwoods_icon.png] TSR
[Image: mc_bookshelf_icon.png]
[Image: vignettecloud.png]
[Image: vignettemarais.png]
[Image: eagletower_icon.png] TSR
[Image: twinrova_icon.png]TSR


Pokemon HG/SS

The Indigo Plateau
[Image: vignettevictory.png][Image: vignetteindigoplateau.png][Image: vignettecenterindigo.png][Image: vignettewill.png][Image: vignettekoga.png][Image: vignettebruno.png][Image: vignettekaren.png][Image: vignettelance.png][Image: vignetteindigoend.png]

[Image: vignettecerulean.png][Image: vignettepewter.png][Image: vignetteceladongym.png][Image: vignetteviridian.png][Image: vignettecianwood.png][Image: vignetteblackthorn.png][Image: vignettefuchsia.png][Image: vignetteolivine.png][Image: vignettevermilion.png][Image: vignettesaffron.png]


[Image: vignettehouseroad23.png][Image: vignettehouseroad26.png][Image: shouset.png][Image: 38974317.png][Image: vignetteradio.png]


[Image: vignetteceruleancity.png][Image: vignetteolivine.png]


[Image: vignettewhirlislands.png]


[Image: vignettelugia.png][Image: vignetterocket.png][Image: vignettestarterchoice.png]

Professor Layton and the Curious Village

[Image: vignetteintro.png]New
[Image: vignetteinthecar.png]New

I will complete this if you want ^^.

I really hope you will like it ^^
Oh hate to tell you, but Mt. Hoo Hoo has already been ripped by me on the site. Everything else seems okay, though.

I'm just glad that someone is getting to M&L Backgrounds again. Is this supposed to be the whole Hooniversity? I can probably replace it, right?
A.J. Nitro : Tongue Arf I didn't know that, In fact I've ripped it long time ago ^^"
thanks ^^

Tonberry2k : Yes, it's the same place ^^", yes you can Smile
Why do people still insist of trying to rip the 3D rooms of HGSS?

Has the 'no 3d models' policy suddenly been abolished or something?
Because I really think that it can be usefull to someone (if I ripped this, it's because I needed that and Maybe other people want it too (cf my gallerie on the DS part)).

But Maybe I'm wrong Sad
Good intention, but when it's ripped, it warps the image and makes it unusable. You need to use a specialized tool to rip it successfully.
Ok I can understand, I will keep the poke's ripp for me (because that help me however XD).
Thanks for your answer ^^.