Rakia Wrote:Cloton, these aren't better.
You can't compare two different styles from two different eras.
That's like saying that Halo is better then Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow because it has 3D graphics.
Yours have it's advantages, and OP has his.
Well, I guess you're right. But OP, is that some alternate name for Gorsal?
Colton Wrote:Rakia Wrote:Cloton, these aren't better.
You can't compare two different styles from two different eras.
That's like saying that Halo is better then Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow because it has 3D graphics.
Yours have it's advantages, and OP has his.
Well, I guess you're right. But OP, is that some alternate name for Gorsal?
OP is short for Original Poster (i.e. Topic Starter).
Anyways I like the progress so far Gorsal, the characters look fitting and Ness has that Spirou look on him. I can't offer improvements unfortunately to make them better than there are though.
So, I love these. I do think you should reverse the grey and white on Link. Make the face white and the tunic grey. Mario, Luigi, Ness, and Captain Falcon could also use a face-lightening.
You can also use the white to shade in part of the gray faced sprites and give them a bit more definition. Very good though.
If they had a ssb for the gameboy, those sprites would be absolutely perfect! Now I wish they had made a gameboy version.
I think Fox's head looks to big.
Update; and thanks for the C+C guys
*Awesome and colored sprites from SSB project; using as height ref pic*
These are great, keep it up!
i like the link too. he looks like the old games, only not 8-bit =]
thornmask Wrote:i like the link too. he looks like the old games, only not 8-bit =]
Actually, it IS 8-bit
8-bit is 3 colors (the 4th is transparenty)
Anyway, great sprites!

Don't use repeat frames the way you are now. Using the frame you used at the beginning of the animation on the end makes its seem slower animated :E
Solink Wrote:thornmask Wrote:i like the link too. he looks like the old games, only not 8-bit =]
Actually, it IS 8-bit
8-bit is 3 colors (the 4th is transparenty)
Anyway, great sprites! 
8 bit does not imply how many colours can be used per sprite... (You'd make N-finity very sad implying such a thing).
But yes the sprites are awesome, specially loving Fox. Maybe all the faces should be white?
8-Bit is the color depth. Just means you're selecting from a palette of 256 colors.
It is the actual 8-Bit systems that limit to 4 colors per sprite, of course the limited processing power of those systems would make anything more than that impractical.
If you have 8 bit (00000000) making all the values active would leave with a total of 256 (11111111).
Yeah, think about it.