Well hey there~! I go by Epic Fin. My first submissions? A few new games previously unpresented to TSR community. To whomever checks this, I've created the icons for these two new games, but, by all means don't use them. It's your choice!
Little Red Hood Icon
Little Red Hood
Title Screen
Stage 1
(Please note Little Red Hood does have a few extra poses only available in stage 4, which will be included WITH stage 4 since it is so different)
Super Pitfall Icon
Pitfall Harry
Haha, I remember the AVGN reviewing Little Red Hood, but good rips!
Someone has been watching AVGN.

Awesome stuff.

Super Pitfall Harry looks like a bad Mario color/edit
Nice stuff :p (or nice bad stuff, I wonder)
Wow! I am loving all the positive feedback! Haha, got a liiittllee more, and a bit of a question. I understand making icons for the sheets themselves would be more efficient for you all, but I'm questioning the best method. Do I put the icon within the sheet itself? Or in a seperate image?
Anywhoozle, first off is a bit more for Little Red (I saw you put the icon up, thanks!

Stage 2
Now a bit from the last project I'm undertaking for now. Superman for the NES (also an AVGN review for those who are familiar with him). This game always stuck out like a sore thumb to me, with Superman being a frickin chibi and all that... Oh well...
Superman Icon
Statue of Liberty
Title Screen
(please note that I had trouble fitting in all the poses, which resulted in a less than grand title screen. I promise nothing like that will happen again)
Until next time~!
Hehe. This Superman game always reminded me of Akira Toriyama's Suppaman character for evident reasons.
He's gonna take you back to the past, to play the shitty games that suck ass...~
The liberty statue looks really too absurd xD
Bad games need some attention too. After all, you can always learn what not to do in a game, right?
You're a brave guy. Thx for the rips
Uugh... I draw a blank for this post. Not really anything. I got to level 3 in Little Red, then i got killed halfway through ripping the area. *sigh* Goddamn no continues... I DO however, have a tad more for Superman and the Icons for them. So, enjoy that for now.
Daily Planet
Daily Planet Icon
Menu Screen
Menu Screen Icon